Have you ever wished someone would just hand you a plan for whatever it is you want to accomplish so that you knew EXACTLY what steps to take?
Whether it’s building a house, or figuring out how to organize your life or starting a brand new business, there are a million different situations in life where sometimes the thought of getting started becomes SO overwhelming that you end up getting totally paralyzed by indecision.
Every step feels like a mystery. It’s scary. And confusing. And EXHAUSTING.
So you do nothing.
Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them.
And those are the times in life where it’s SO important to have a PLAN. A roadmap. A step-by-step set of instructions for exactly what to do. Because without it, you start feeling lost.
And the process of losing weight and getting healthy is no different. I think sometimes we think it should be so easy and so straightforward, but it’s actually not
And so today, that’s the gift I want to give you for the New Year—a step-by-step plan for reaching all of your health and weight loss goals in the next 12 months, so that you know EXACTLY what to do in what order, and what to expect along the way.
It might be the most practical blog post I’ve ever recorded, and you’ll probably want to take notes. So grab a piece of paper and let’s dive in.
If you don’t already know me, my name is Ruth and I am a 46 year old woman in perimenopause who knows EXACTLY what it’s like to struggle with losing weight and getting healthy, because I struggled with my weight for 10 long and painful years, failing at diet after diet after diet, before I finally took a radically different approach. I stopped dieting and I started focusing on my HORMONES.
I researched the science of weight loss and started understanding how the food we eat actually affects our body, and I started looking at food as a way to NOURISH my body, not as a way to punish or reward myself. I never counted a single calorie. But I still lost 49 pounds and have now kept it off for years.
After struggling for SO many years, it feels like freedom. And even now, four years later, I still have to sometimes pinch myself that this is real. That I really fixed it. Because there was a point where I didn’t think I would. I had lost hope.
And maybe that’s close to where you’re at right now.
But I can tell you—there IS a way to fix this, even if you feel like you’ve already tried and failed to lose weight more times than you can count.
Because my own journey is ultimately what inspired me to start Thinlicious and create the Thin Adapted System, which is why these days I am also pretty much obsessed with one thing—helping women over 40 like me create FREEDOM in their own lives by transforming you health.
It’s a health REVOLUTION, and that’s really what this blog is all about too.
It’s about the freedom to feel your absolute best. To have more energy. To sleep better. To feel good when you look in the mirror.
It’s about the freedom to NOT be controlled by food addictions ever again. To stop feeling like you have no willpower and no control.
It’s the freedom to understand that the weight loss and food and pharmaceutical industries have been LYING to us for at least the last 50 years, which is why we’ve all gotten so sick and fat, and that you actually have the power to stop listening to all their bullshit and choose something different..
And it’s about the freedom to confidently pursue all your OTHER big goals and dreams because your health and weight issues are no longer holding you back. To start saying YES to life, instead of saying no.
Doesn’t that get you fired up? It gets me fired up.
And you know what else gets me fired up? STARTING A NEW YEAR.
I’m not gonna lie, I’m a New Year’s Junkie.
There is NOTHING I love better than a fresh start.

And this week between Christmas and New Years, this is the week that I always refer to as the Best Week Ever. Because it’s basically the only week of the year that is like ZERO pressure. Christmas is over, but the New Year hasn’t started yet.
And it’s that space that we as women and moms RARELY get where you can just actually breathe for a minute and take a step back and actually be intentional about what you want for your life, and what you want your next year to look like.
In this week’s post, our FINAL blog post of 2024, I want to talk about what your plan might look like this year, if one of your big important goals is to finally reach your weight loss goals and transform your health.
And I want to get super granular and talk about EXACTLY what it will take for you to do that. Not at some undefined point in the future, but starting RIGHT AWAY. I want to talk about how you can make 2025 the year you got healthy, and exactly what the next 12 months could look like for you, and what steps you’ll have to take to get there.
Because the truth is that 12 months from now, your life could look VERY different for you than it does right now, in the best possible way.
12 months from now, you could definitely be at your weight goal, or very close to it, depending on how many pounds you want or need to lose.
But not only that, 12 months from now, your health could be completely transformed, to the point where you’re off of medications. You’ve reversed type 2 diabetes. You no longer have daily headaches or chronic pain. You have more energy than you know what to do with. You SLEEP better at night. You have more confidence. You actually like the way you look when you look in the mirror. Shopping is actually fun.
That IS the future that is available to you right now, if you’re ready to take the steps that are required to get you there.
Because the plan I’m going to give you isn’t a maybe. It WILL work. It WILL transform your health. I’ve not only seen it happen in my own life, I see it happen for my clients every single day.
But it’s not going to happen overnight.
It will take you the next 12 months to get there. It’s a commitment to doing something different.
But just think about what that could look like for you, 12 months from now, if you truly were ready to make the commitment to your health this year.
Think about how fast this past year has gone. Think about how you felt LAST year at this time. And then think about how cool that would be to experience something totally different at this time next year.
So let’s talk about what it is going to take.
The Secret Keys to Successful Weight Loss
But real quick, before we dive into the month-by-month plan, and what each phase of this process to lose weight and transform your health is going to look like, I want to share a few secret keys to success that I think are important to understand, and to keep in mind as you’re going through this journey.
Because I DEFINITELY didn’t understand some of these things, which is probably why I struggled with my weight for SO many years, and maybe why you have struggled also.
Key #1: Don’t Try to Do Everything All At Once
The first key is to take it slowly and not try to do everything all at once. And trust me, I understand the urge to just jump in and change everything immediately, but that’s actually just a recipe for burnout and failure.
Every year, without fail, I used to declare that my New Year’s resolution was to lose weight. And then, for the first couple weeks of the year, I would basically be a crazy person. Counting all the calories, going to the gym, doing all the cardio, drinking all the water, tracking my steps, allllllllll the things all at the same time.
And then, because I was basically STARVING from my lack of calories, and because it was all way too much and way too time consuming, and I had burned up all my willpower reserves, I would inevitably end up quitting, usually within just a couple of weeks.
Every single year.
But then I started learning more about habits and willpower, and how real lasting change in our lives actually happens.
And it doesn’t happen all at once. Because each of us wake up each morning with what I call a willpower tank, and everything we do throughout the day that is hard or challenging depletes a little bit of the tank. Things like having to do the laundry or make dinner or take care of your kids or go to work or run your business or pay bills or whatever it is—they all drain the tank. But all those things are still necessary for LIFE. So you need that reserve for a lot of different things.
But when you try to change a whole bunch of OTHER things all at once—the way most of us approach trying to get healthy—you deplete that tank super fast, which is why you burn out. You literally can’t go on.
So you actually HAVE to start slow and start building HABITS. Because habits, once they are formed, actually take up a different part of the brain than willpower does. So once it becomes a habit, it won’t feel so hard, and then you can add something new.
And that’s a big part of why my TAS program is structured the way that it is. It works in PHASES, so that you are only adding one thing at a time, and not trying to do everything at once. Because we actually care about your LONG TERM success, not just instant gratification from a quick fix fad diet that you’ll never be able to stick with.
So don’t try to do everything all at once. That’s your first key to success.
Key #2: Shift your mindset to healing your body, not shedding pounds
The second key to success happens when you shift your mindset, and begin focusing on actually HEALING YOUR BODY instead of just shedding pounds.
Because believe it or not, your WEIGHT isn’t actually the problem—it is just a SYMPTOM of a much bigger problem. And not only that, all the other health issues you might be struggling with right now are almost certainly symptoms of the SAME underlying problem, a deeper ROOT CAUSE.
And that means that the real KEY to permanent health and weight loss success is to FIX THE ROOT CAUSES at the sources. You’ve got to actually HEAL YOUR BODY from the inside out. You have to BALANCE your HORMONES, reverse INSULIN RESISTANCE, and HEAL YOUR GUT.
That’s the solution. Because your hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, and leaky gut are what have created ALL of your other health issues, including your weight gain, inflammation, belly fat, chronic pain and autoimmune conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, headaches and migraines, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, even cancer and so much more. You name it, 99% of the time it will directly related to the big 3.
But when you actually fix the ROOT CAUSE of your problems, the weight just comes off. Your body rebalances itself. And not only that YOU LOOK AND FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! You have energy. You sleep better. Your skin looks better.
But that means that you also need to shift your MINDSET, from looking at this change you’re making as a “DIET” intended to help you lose the weight as quickly as possible so that you can go right back to eating all the Doritios and all the Oreos, to realizing that HEALING YOUR BODY for LIFE means making a necesary shift in your lifestyle, and that HEALING takes time, but the results are worth it.
And trust me, when you can make that shift, it changes things. It makes you more patient. It allows you more grace. And it helps you see all the NON scale victories that are happening in your body as well.
So focus on healing your body, not shedding pounds—that’s the second key to success.
Key #3: Don’t do it alone
The third key to success is don’t do it alone. I know, it’s tempting to want to keep your health journey private and not share with anyone. Maybe you’re embarrassed because you’ve tried so many times before, and you feel ashamed. I get it. I was the same way. Maybe you feel like you should be stronger than then this, that you SHOULD just be able to do it. That asking for help makes you weak. I get that too.
But I’m not going to sugar coat this: having a support system is almost always the difference between success and failure.
Very few people will be able to do this alone. It’s just too hard.
Because not only does having a support system keep you accountable, it also provides emotional support during tough times or moments of temptation. It provides encouragement when you’ve gotten off track so that your slip up doesn’t become a total failure. It provides education and help and understanding when something doesn’t make sense. It provides community and camaraderie so you don’t feel so alone.
And obviously I’m a big proponent of my TAS program, because I’ve SEEN the difference that it makes in the lives of my clients. Our success rate is unprecedented and it’s because our community is insanely amazing.
But if you’re not in TAS, find that support in other ways, whether it’s a friend, family member, your spouse. You need someone else fighting the fight with you. Even better if it’s someone who has walked the road ahead of. you and can help lead the way.
So don’t do it alone. That’s the third key to success.
Your Ultimate 12 Month Health & Weight Loss Plan
Okay, so now that you understand the underlying secret keys to success that really will be the difference between success and failure, let’s talk about your actual step by step PLAN to lose weight and get healthy over the next 12 months.
What I’m going to do is just walk you through the different steps or phases you’ll need to go through along the way, and I’ll explain that what step or phase looks like, why it’s so important, and what you can expect to experience in that phase, as well as how much weight you can expect to lose by the end of that phase, and what other health changes you can expect to experience.
And I want you to understand as I’m going through all of this, that this is not a guess. It’s not conjecture. It’s not something I’m talking about “in theory.” This is what works and how it works, and I know this not just because I’ve experienced it in my OWN life and health journey, but because I’ve watched it happen for thousands of our clients in our TAS program.
So here’s what it looks like.
Month 1: Detox from Sugar
The first step in this process, the first essential phase, is basically a sugar detox. So this is what happens in month one—basically in January, if you’re starting this at the beginning of the year. And I think a lot of times, this is the scariest step for people because for most of us, it does mean making a pretty big change from what you’re doing right now, even just becoming AWARE of the amount of sugar that is in the foods you are currently eating.
What it looks like: Basically this means that the first thing you’re going to do is start paying attention to your food labels and begin cutting out all sugar and as much processed & refined food as possible, because it’s almost all loaded with sugar. You literally have to DETOX your body from sugar.
Why it’s important: This a big deal, because the SUGAR is the number one thing that is WREAKING HAVOC on your hormones and causing you to store fat. Because if you are struggling with your weight and your health AT ALL, or if it feels like your metabolism isn’t working, it’s almost certain that you have at least some form of insulin resistance.
And because your insulin is screwed up, and because insulin is a hormone, and because all your hormones work together in a delicate balance, which means that if one is screwed up, they all get out of whack, you can say with almost complete certainty that the sugar you are currently eating is the thing that is messing up your hormones.
And the only way to actually REVERSE your insulin resistance and actually get your hormones balanced again in order to reset your metabolism is to totally cut out sugar.
You basically need a sugar detox. And, it’s not just sugar as in sweets and candy and ice cream, but also things like bread and pasta and potato chips, because your body processes all of it as sugar.
What you can expect: When I say this is a detox, it really is. You’ll probably experience some withdrawal symptoms. Your body is basically addicted to sugar right now, and it’s going to fight you for at least a few days, or maybe even a few weeks. We’ll talk about how to fight back in a second, but for now just know that this is basically the worst part. You can expect to not feel good, to get headaches, have low energy, to maybe even get nauseated or throw up. You might feel like you have the flu. And you’ll think something’s wrong, but it’s not. Your body is just detoxing, the same way it would be if you were trying to detox from drugs. Because sugar is THAT addictive.
How to make it easier: There are definitely a few things you can do to make this phase easier, because honestly it’s probably the most uncomfortable part of the whole process. One is to make sure you are eating plenty of NON-sugary food, especially proteins and healthy fats. Another is to make sure you are staying very hydrated and getting plenty of electrolytes, because your body will be flushing out a lot of fluids and minerals during this time.
But I think the best way to make this phase easier is to join our Thinlicious guided 10 Day Sugar Detox, because we’ve put together an amazing 10 day plan to help walk you through it, and to fully support you along the way. It’s really incredible. And our first 10 Day Detox of the year will be starting on January 6th, so if you want to get in on that first cohort, then be sure to get signed up right away, as we have a limited number of spots available and we are fully expecting it to fill up because it’s January and everyone is ready! But to join that, just go HERE to get signed up.
Results: So what will your results be after your first few weeks of cutting out sugar? Well it’s actually pretty amazing. Because it’s so much more than weight loss. Most people do lose between 5 and 15 pounds in this phase, and although most of that is going to be water weight, it’s still a noticeable difference. But on top of that, you’ll have eliminated your starch and sugar cravings, you’ll be sleeping better, you’ll notice less brain fog and less inflammation. Just after a few weeks.
So detoxing from sugar—that’s what happens in Month 1.

Month 2: Reset Your Metabolism
Once you’ve made it through the sugar detox, you’re going to be focused in Month 2 on continuing to reset your metabolism by training your body to burn FAT for fuel instead burning sugar for fuel, which what it has been doing. Basically your goal is to flip the switch on your metabolism and get your body to a state that we call Thin Adapted, which again just basically means it now is burning fat instead of sugar for fuel.
In our program we call this Phase 1, and I’ll also tell you that this is the phase of our program that is closest to what most people think of “KETO”, with the high fat and low sugar. But don’t let that throw you off. It’s actually important during this phase to get your body into ketosis because that’s HOW you start to flip the switch on your metabolism.
What it looks like: So what this looks like in practice is that in this phase, you’re going to be eating a LOT more fat then you’re probably used to, especially if you, like me, grew up in the fat free craze of the 80s and 90s and still have this deeply ingrained idea that fat is BAD, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. But in this phase, you actually want to be getting about 70-80% of your total calories from FAT. And not just any fat—HEALTHY fat. Olive oil. Avocado oil. Coconut Oil. Avocodo. Full fat dairy. Animal fats.
And to make sure you’re getting ENOUGH fat, you’re going to need to track your macros during this phase, because you won’t be a good judge of what you’re eating at first. So that is an adjustment and can sometimes feel a little bit cumbersome.
Why it’s important: And again, this is probably going to feel weird at first, especially if you’ve always avoided fat, but it’s really important too. And again, this super high level of fat isn’t forever, but it’s an important part of healing your body and re-balancing your hormones and re-starting your metabolism.
Because remember, your goal is to train your body to burn FAT for fuel instead of sugar. Because sugar is like the cheap fuel. It’s the energy source your body will automatically go to as long as it’s available. But as soon as that sugar is not available, your body will start using FAT for energy.
And so in the beginning, your body and your hormones need to know that there is plenty of fat available for you, so that they calm down and come out of crisis mode, and actually start burning the fat.
What you can expect: During this phase your body is still adjusting, so you might still feel a little more tired than usual, and you may still be dealing with those residual sugar cravings, especially in times of stress, when you’ll want to go back to your old habits. But each week it will get a little bit a little bit easier, and you’ll actually be amazed that you can eat such rich, satisfying food and still be losing weight.
How to make it easier: During this phase you want to make sure you’re getting lots of sleep and again staying hydrated, and really just being kind to yourself as your body is adjusting. You have to remember that it’s okay to EAT—you don’t need to restrict calories, you just need to make sure that your MACRO balance is where it needs to be—that you’re getting enough fat and protein, and still keeping your sugar super low. Most of our clients find that it really helps to plan out your food day in the morning—to input everything you think you’re going to eat, so that you can make adjustments as necessary, and I highly recommend doing that!
Results: As far as results in this phase—by the end of month 2, so by the end of February, you will likely be Thin Adapted and you’ll also have likely lost between 10 and 20 pounds. You’ll probably start noticing more energy, and internally, you’ll have started balancing your hormones because your blood sugar and insulin levels will have dropped significantly.
So that’s what your second month will look like—resetting your metabolism.
Months 3-6: Prioritize Protein
In months 3 through 6, once you’ve actually flipped the switch on your metabolism, you’ll move into the next phase—the Phase we call 2A in our TAS program—which is really all about prioritizing protein. Because now your that your body has been trained to burn fat for fuel, we want your body to begin burning YOUR fat—the excess fat on your body—instead of just the fat that you are eating.
And this is where our program starts to look very different from Keto, because we don’t want you to stay in that super high fat zone forever.
What it looks like: So what does this phase look like? Well like I said, you’re going to be cutting back on the percentage of fat that you’re eating. You’ll still be getting plenty of healthy fat, because fat is important for your hormones, but now your fat will be closer to 60% of your calories, while protein should be at least 25-30% of your calories, which means eating AT LEAST 25-35 grams of protein PER MEAL. And that’s a lot more than most women get. Basically it is the equivalent to 4 eggs, a chicken breast, a hamburger patty, a steak, or some kind of fish filet. Suffice to say, you’ll probably want to make sure you are eating MEAT at every single meal, because that’s the easiest and best way to get more nutrient-dense protein.
Why it’s important: So why is this so important to your success? Well, protein is not just important for healing tissue, building muscle, and keeping your body systems working, but it also provides sustainable energy and it helps make you feel full. And not only that, because protein has a higher thermic effect, it forces your body to expend more energy to digest it, which is important from a weight loss perspective.
Your goal during this phase is to get your body into fat burning mode so that you can reach your weight loss goal, and protein is the thing that will help that happen.
What you can expect: During this phase you might also start noticing that as your energy starts to dramatically increase, which happens because your body now has a constant source of fuel from that you naturally eat less, or less frequently. You might find you’re not really hungry in the mornings so you don’t eat until lunchtime, or that you naturally start to implement some intermittent fasting. If that happens it’s fine, but don’t try to FORCE it. If you’re hungry, eat.
You can also expect that your weight loss might seem to slow down in this phase, which can be frustrating, but is actually SUPER normal. And the reason why it seems slower is that you are now burning FAT, not just releasing water weight. And fat comes off a lot slower. But this is actually the weight that will STAY off, so be patient. Most people lose, on average, 1-2 pounds a week in this phase, but for some people it’s more like a half a pound a week. And it doesn’t go in an exact straight line either, so don’t get too focused on the scale day to day. Be patient.
And I say that, but I also know that for a lot of women this is SO hard. Because it feels like you’re working so hard, and being so diligent, and that your progress should be going much faster than it is. You need to know that’s normal, but that this is also the phase where you’re at a high risk of self sabotage.
How to make it easier: And that’s why it’s SO important to make sure that you have a good support system in place, that you have people around you who GET it and who are cheering you on. It’s why you need to be focused on your MINDSET and getting your head in the right place, and on really understanding the science of what’s happening in your body. Because even though the day-to-day progress sometimes feels painfully slow, there’s actually a LOT that’s happening with your body.
Results: Because by the end of your 6th month, so basically by the end of June, you can reasonably expect to have lost between 30 and 50 pounds, which is pretty huge. But on top of that, you’ll have balanced your hormones and reversed insulin resistance, and your gut will be SO much healthier. You’ll have eliminated inflammation, which means no more daily headaches or indigestion or aches and pains. You’ll likely have reduced or eliminated almost all of your medications. Your SKIN will be glowing, so much brighter and clearer. And you will look and feel noticeably younger. At this point, people will be asking you what you’re doing.
Suffice to say, it’s worth it.

Months 7-9: Add Exercise
Once you’ve really started settling into this new lifestyle and you are prioritizing protein and starting to feel really good and have much more energy, you’ll be ready to move into the next Phase, which we call Phase 2B. For most people this happens around month 7-9, so basically July through September-ish, but it could be sooner or later. It really just depends on you and your body, because this is your own journey.
What it looks like: And in this next phase, you’ll be adding exercise into the equation—specifically strength and resistance training to build lean muscle mass, as well as possibly HIIT workouts for an extra metabolism boost.
Why it’s important: The strength training is particularly important, not so much from a weight loss standpoint, although it will help to rev up your metabolism, but because as you age, it’s really important to keep your bones and muscles strong.
What you can expect: And you might already exercise regularly, so this might not seem like a big deal, and honestly, if you already exercise regularly and it’s a habit for you, then it is totally fine to continue with your normal routine. But if you DON’T currently exercise regularly, and exercise seems really overwhelming or hard right now, know that you don’t actually need to focus on it until you and your body are ready. Because there will be a time where you feel ready. You’ll have more energy. You’ll want to start moving more. It will feel natural.
How to make it easier: So when that happens, especially if you’ve never exercised or done any sort of weight or strength training before, I highly recommend working with a trainer to at least get some basic instruction on form and technique. They can meet with you and help you set up a plan, and then adjust that plan every few months.
Results: So what will your results be at this point? Well, by the end of month 9—the end of September—you can reasonably expect to have lost between 40 and 70 pounds, which may have gotten you to your weight loss goal already, but you’ll also be noticing a lot more tone and definition in your arms and legs thanks to the strength training. Your gut is almost fully healed now, and your insulin resistance has been fully reversed.
In short, you feel amazing.

Months 10-12: Clean & Refine
So at this point you might be thinking, what could possibly be left? Well, once you’ve hit your weight loss goal, you’re ready to move into the final phase, which in TAS we call Phase 3, or the MAINTAIN phase. And this is where you stay indefinitely. But I like to think of it as the “Clean and Refine” phase.
What it looks like: Because this phase is not about just going back to your old ways, because you’re different now. You eat differently. You feel different. You’re much more aware of how different foods affect you and you’re WAY more in tune with your body. You’ve reached the point that has been our ultimate goal all year—to get you to a state of Metabolic Flexibility.
So what does that mean, metabolic flexibility? Basically it just means that you’ve HEALED your body. You’ve balanced your hormones. You’ve reversed insulin resistance. You’ve restored your gut biome and now have a healthy gut.
And because of that, your metabolism now functions the way it is supposed to, the way it is designed to. That means that your body can actually handle eating some sugar again, because now it can process it without throwing your hormones into crisis.
But of course that doesn’t mean you’re just going to back to eating all that crap you used to eat! Because now you know better. Instead, in this phase you can start to focus on cleaning and refining your diet and your life even more—cleaner ingredients, fewer toxins. This is the point where you might start thinking about adding more supplements or other ways to enhance your health. Because you realize that health doesn’t have an end point. It can just keep getting better and better.
Why it’s important: This phase is important, I think, from a mindset perspective. When I used to diet, it was always with this idea that it was temporary suffering, that all I needed to do was lose the weight and then could go right back to that bag of Doritos calling my name.
Now I realize that Doritos are literally poison and I don’t WANT that in my body. This is my lifestyle now, and it feels good.
What you can expect: So what can you expect at this phase? Well, you can expect it to feel a whole lot easier. Because now you’ve created amazing habits. You’ve healed your body. And you’re more in tune with your body. You have more flexibility with what you eat, and you don’t beat yourself up if there’s a day or a week where you don’t eat as well as you like. You just get back on track. You don’t think about food all the time anymore. And it feels like freedom that you’ve never experienced before
Results: Friend, this is really what’s possible for you a year from now.
That freedom I talked about, way at the beginning of this very long post.
The freedom to feel your absolute best. To have more energy. To sleep better. To feel good when you look in the mirror.
The freedom to NOT be controlled by food addictions ever again. To stop feeling like you have no willpower and no control.
The freedom to confidently pursue all your OTHER big goals and dreams because your health and weight issues are no longer holding you back. To start saying YES to life, instead of saying no.
It’s not going to happen overnight. It will most likely take you a full year to get there.
But it’s POSSIBLE.
And I hope you can see that now.
So I’ll leave you with this….
Can you see how following this plan I just talked about could change everything for you in the next 12 months?
What would happen if you stopped trying to change everything all at once and instead slowed down and made sure you were taking the right steps in the right order?
What would happen if you started healing your body from the inside out, instead of focused on just trying to shed a few pounds?
12 months from now, your life could look completely different. You could finally be FREE.
And that’s what I want so much for you. Truly. I want it for everyone. Because now I’ve experienced it, and I know how life-changing it is.
And I also know that the best place for you to start RIGHT NOW, the essential FIRST STEP, is to detox from sugar.
So if you want to join us for our next 10 Day Sugar Detox, then go to sign up HERE.
It’s going to be an amazing year, and this is just the beginning.
What if you could actually take control of
your health in just 10 days?
It’s not your fault you can’t lose weight as a woman over 40 even though you’ve likely tried literally everything. Your metabolism probably feels broken and your hormones are likely all out of whack.
But you can fix it all with ONE simple change: eliminate sugar. We make is super easy with our 10-Day Sugar Detox . Are you ready to get started now?