The supreme guide and resources for low-carb for beginners. You’ll find a FREE printable 100 top tips, a FREE group for support, FREE macro calculator PLUS I have 20 bonus tips for you today.
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Disclaimer – By continuing to read, access, and use this website, Ditch The Carbs, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. Please read my Disclaimer page and Privacy Policy. Any lifestyle change may affect your health. Please ensure you are under appropriate medical care. Ensure your medication and blood results are reviewed regularly. Dietary changes may change your biological markers such as blood pressure, lipid profile, blood glucose control, inflammation, weight and need for medication. This website is not meant for individual advice as you need to be seen by your doctor or dietician for this on a regular basis.
Low-carb for beginners (how to start)
If you’re a beginner at low-carb, what is low-carb and what do you eat?
Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them.
When you follow a low-carb diet or a keto diet, you lower your carbohydrates and you increase the amount of protein and healthy fat in your diet.
You will slowly change from a sugar burner to a fat burner.
If you are unsure how many carbs per day you should have, then use the FREE macro calculator and set yourself goals for daily carbs, protein, and fat.
Learn how to read nutrition labels so you know exactly where your carbs are coming from and to stop the hidden carbs.
What do you eat on a low-carb diet?
You will stop all ultra-processed carbohydrates and begin to eat nutrient-rich whole foods such as:
- Healthy carbohydrates – nutrient rich carbs such as nuts, vegetables,seeds, berries, full fat dairy
- Quality protein – beef, chicken, pork, lamb, salmon, nuts, seeds, dairy
- Healthy fats – extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, butter,ghee, lard
What can’t you eat on a low-carb diet?
You will cut back then eliminate food such as sugary soda, sugary milk drinks, chocolate, candy, cakes, biscuits, cookies, cakes, dried fruit, fruit juice, smoothies, and all sugars including those ones marketed as “healthy”.
Stop eating honey, coconut sugar, agave, maple syrup, raw sugar, organic sugar, and dried fruit. They are all forms of sugar and will all raise your blood glucose.
You will slowly cut back then eliminate high-carb food such as pasta, rice, bread, french fries, chips, potatoes, crackers, and granola.
Free support group
This list of 100 tips for low-carb beginners was compiled by asking my amazing community inside my support group. And that’s why I am including 20 Bonus Tips – they offered so much help, I couldn’t narrow them down to just 100 Low-Carb Top Tips For Beginners.
Before we start, you’re invited to join my closed Facebook Low-Carb Support Group too. This is my super-friendly community of amazing people just like you, who are there to help support one another to succeed.
They are the ones who helped me compile such a phenomenal list of top tips.
It is a place to discuss all things low carb, in private. Ask me anything. See others share their success stories. See what everyone is cooking. Pick up new ideas.
Get the support and friendly help that you need from others who are just starting out, and from those who have lived LCHF for years and know all the tricks for success. I’ll see you inside.

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Low-carb for beginners – download your eBook
When you download your FREE copy of Low-Carb For Beginners: 100 Top Tips (+ 20 Bonus Tips) you will also be joining my amazing email community and to my newsletter service.
My FREE newsletter service will keep you up to date with regular helpful, educational, and entertaining posts, tips, guides, occasional special offers. I will also send you weekly FREE recipes.
My newsletter service, helps you keep on track for the long term, but you may unsubscribe at any time. There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email that I send. I don’t want to be cluttering up your inbox with unwanted emails.
It’s good to have you with us!
Simply download your Low-carb for beginners: 100 top tips (plus 20 bonus tipps) to get started.
Welcome aboard!
What if you could actually take control of
your health in just 10 days?
It’s not your fault you can’t lose weight as a woman over 40 even though you’ve likely tried literally everything. Your metabolism probably feels broken and your hormones are likely all out of whack.
But you can fix it all with ONE simple change: eliminate sugar. We make is super easy with our 10-Day Sugar Detox . Are you ready to get started now?
How do you get this if you’re already a subscriber?
Just add your details, you won’t be added twice, my email system will only add 1 subscriber per email address.
I am diabetic, and need to lower carbohydrate intake.
I thought I could lose weight just drinking smoothly in the alot of salas chicken eggs fruit and vegetables
please send newsletter and 100 tips. Thanx
I love the recipes you share on FB, so I’m sure I will enjoy this freebee! Thank you so much!
Please send me the 100free tips
I signed up and got the welcome emai but didn’t receive the 100tips download link.
The welcome email has a big button to “Click and download” your freebie eBook. 🙂
I am not knowing where to start with all this but thank you for allowing me to subscribe and I look forward to all the advice one can give me.
I can’t find any link to download the 100 tips. I tried to use the link provided in the text message but it just loops back to the 100 tips original sign up page. I have tried on clicking everything on that page and even requested a new text with the download link. Every link that says 100 tips…loops back to the sign up page. Also don’t see any 20 recipes on this page as indicated.
Just enter your name and email in the sign up box, and I email them 🙂
Wanting to maintain
I’ve had the gastric bypass surgery. I’ve lost #200 lbs. 100lbs to go. but I like sweets if I can get off sweets ill be really small. but I’m weak at times but ill be ok I’m not going to give up.
Awesome Aleasia, such a great attitude to never give up. I love it.
Please send me the newsletter and 100 tips… I would like to join the support group if I don’t have Facebook! Is there another way to join support group? I’ve been doing for almost 2 months and not successful.. I’ve lost 3 lbs and some inches; getting discouraged!
Ercie head back up the page and enter your email details to access your free eBook. You may unsubscribe at any time (I don’t want to be cluttering up your inbox). I’m afraid the support group is only held through Facebook.
Hi all
Hi I have subscribed but I’ve never received access to your ebook.
Can you please help me?
Thank you
Hi Kate. I have searched in my email system and the email you used to comment here has never signed up for the newsletter service and bonus eBook. Enter your details in the subscription box below, and my system will send you your ebook as if by magic instantly 🙂 There are even 20 bonus tips too.
Hi Libby, I have the same problem 🙁
please send newsletter and 100 tips. Thanx
Sure thing, just enter your details above and I can email them to you straight away 🙂
I would like you to send me a free low carb top tips cook book please
Hi Jayne, just pop your details in the box above and I’ll email it to you immediately.
I subscribed but did not receive the 100 tips so I am subscribing again. (I did receive the 4 page FAQ)
Please send me the newsletter and 100 Low Carb Top Tips. Thank you.
Sure thing. Pop your details in the boxes above and I will email it to you immediately 🙂
Can you please send me the 100 LOW-CARB TOP TIPS FOR BEGINNERS ? I could not download it.
Thank you
Please enter your details above and it will be sent immediately to you.
Hi Libby, Would love to have the book, really enjoyed your video and gave me a lot of inspiration, I am doing the Intermittent fasting 7 days a week as only have lunch and dinner but miss having my coffee in the morning as I was told you can’t have cream in it, is that true please ??
Thanks in advance ?
I’m glad you are loving my Facebook LIVE Q&A sessions, enter your details above and I will send you the 100 Top Tips immediately. As for fasting, the absolute gold standard is to drink water only for a true fast, but many people have variations and drink bone broth or creamy coffee to see them through and to avoid overeating when their fast is over. Do what works for you and is sustainable. Too many people go too hard too fast and then ruin it all by grazing all night long.
I’m already a subscriber but would love your book. Where do I add my details?
Add the above and the eBook will automatically be sent to you. As long as you use the same email address you are currently subscribed with, you won’t be receiving my newsletter twice (that’s no fun for anyone 😉 ).
I would like the book also
I would appreciate
the help
Just enter your details above and the 100 Top Tips will be sent to you immediately 🙂 Welcome to Ditch The Carbs.