Wondering if you should be adding keto supplements and vitamins to your low carb diet? Confused about which ones are the most important to take? This post is for you!
It’s not much of a secret that here at Thinlicious, we’re big believers in all of the health benefits of following a healthy low-carb lifestyle.
Because honestly—there’s no better way to lose weight and improve your overall health than by adopting a diet that’s low in carbs and rich in nutrient-dense proteins and healthy fats.
But what if you’re already doing that, and you’re ready for just a little bit more? What if you’re ready to enhance your results or just want to improve certain aspects of your health with additional vitamins and supplements?
Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them.
How do you navigate that overwhelming sea of choices and select the specific vitamins and supplements that will help improve your gut health, aid in reducing inflammation, combat insulin resistance, or just improve your overall energy and wellness?
Well, get your notepad ready because we’re about to take a deep dive into the best keto supplements and vitamins for a healthy low-carb lifestyle.
The topic of vitamins and supplements is one that we get SO many questions about from our customers. Those who have already started following a low-carb lifestyle and are starting to experience some of the many health benefits are now wanting to level up their results just a little bit more.
So which keto supplements should you consider adding to your diet?
Today we’re going to dive into an overview of some of my favorite options for supplementing a low-carb lifestyle.

A Note For Those in the Thin Adapted System
Before we dive in, just a quick word to those enrolled in the Thin Adapted System.
We actually cover this IN-DEPTH in our TAS program with an entire lesson in our curriculum devoted to vitamins, minerals, and supplements, where Dr. Edie and I explain it all so much more in-depth than I could possibly do in this post.
So just know that if you’re already in TAS, then you’ll definitely want to spend some time listening to that lesson for the MOST in-depth information.
If you are brand new to this Ditch the Carbs podcast and to Thinlicious in general, I have a little gift for you! It’s a free starter guide called Flip the Switch, and it’s a really great introduction to our approach to health and weight loss here at Thinlicious.
And, if you are wondering what the Thin Adapted System is, check it out here!
Diet First, Keto Supplements Second
Just the sheer number of choices in the vitamin aisle can seem pretty overwhelming, can’t it?
To help make it a little less overwhelming, I want to dive into the specific vitamins and supplements that I recommend for overall health and wellness.
Disclaimer: Before we get started, though, let me say this: I am not a doctor. I am just someone who has done a LOT of research on this topic. So as with any type of supplementation, you should always check with your doctor first to make sure these are safe for you.
I also believe that diet and lifestyle should always come first, so if you’re not yet following a healthy low-carb lifestyle, then in all honesty, that’s the place to start before adding in any supplements.
You can’t supplement your way out of a crappy diet.
But assuming all of that is already in check, this should be a helpful overview of some of the best keto supplements and vitamins you’ll want to consider adding to your healthy, low-carb lifestyle.
Benefits of keto supplements and vitamins
Of course, you may be wondering whether vitamins and supplements are even necessary. After all, isn’t the goal of a healthy low-carb lifestyle to get the majority of your vitamins and minerals from whole food?
And the answer, of course, is yes, absolutely!
You should always strive to get the majority of your nutrition from real, nutrient-dense foods. The more REAL, WHOLE foods you can eat, the better.
Especially things like red meat, which is literally jam-packed with essential vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, Vitamin B12, and healthy fats.
Another great example is dark vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and kale, which are packed with essential vitamins K, C, and A.
But even if you’re eating a perfect diet and getting all the necessary nutrients from your food…sometimes it’s just not enough.
This is especially true if you’re over 40 or have any chronic health issues that affect your ability to absorb key nutrients.
Honestly, even though we may strive to get all of our nutrients from food, it can be difficult in this modern world.
We don’t always have access to the freshest produce, or if we do, there’s no guarantee that it has been grown organically and contains all of the vitamins and minerals that it should.
In that case, supplements can be an invaluable tool to help fill in any nutritional gaps that your diet may leave. And when taken with a healthy, low-carb lifestyle, they can play an important role in helping to support your overall energy and wellness.
What vitamins and minerals actually do
So with that in mind, you might still be wondering…what do vitamins and minerals actually DO?
Well, first, it’s important to understand the role vitamins and minerals play in the body.
Vitamins are organic molecules that give your body energy, while minerals are inorganic elements that help maintain basic body functions like vision, respiration, muscle contractions, and blood clotting.
All of these processes need certain vitamins or minerals from your diet to function properly. Otherwise, you risk developing deficiencies. Each one plays a little bit of a different role, all working together to help keep your body running smoothly.
For example, Vitamin A helps us see better in the dark. Vitamin C is essential to our immune system and helps protect against infection. Vitamin D keeps our bones strong, and B vitamins help convert food into energy.
Meanwhile, minerals like calcium keep our muscles and nerves functioning properly, and iron helps produce red blood cells.
But that’s also where things start to get overwhelming really fast, isn’t it?
Are you really supposed to take 6,000 different supplements every single day just to make sure you’re getting all the right things? And is there such a thing as TOO many supplements? Can you overdose?
Thankfully, the answer to the first question is a resounding NO. While there probably is a thing as too many supplements, overdosing is unlikely.
But the good news is that there are really only a handful of key vitamins and minerals that you should focus on in order to make sure you’re getting all the nutrition your body needs.
Most of those will almost certainly come from your food so long as you’re primarily eating a diet rich in the kind of nutrient-dense whole foods we advocate for in our program.

Best keto supplements to take
When you’re just getting started, it is more helpful to focus on a handful of supplements to aid in specific functions for your body, such as:
- reducing insulin resistance (which is a really big deal!)
- improving gut health
- reducing inflammation
- increasing your overall wellness and energy
So let’s talk about some of those one at a time.
Supplements that help reduce insulin resistance
First up are specific keto supplements that can help to reduce insulin resistance are especially important if you have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, but is also beneficial for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy weight and blood sugar levels.
1. Chromium picolinate
The most popular supplement in this category is chromium picolinate, which helps your cells respond better to insulin so that more glucose can be absorbed by the body and stored as energy.
2. Berberine
Another popular supplement for this is berberine, which has been shown in multiple studies to help reduce fasting glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
3. Alpha lipoic acid
You may also want to consider adding Alpha Lipoic Acid, or ALA, which is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.
4. Herbal extracts
Additionally, there are a few herbal extracts that have been found to be beneficial here as well.
For example, bitter melon extract has been linked to improved insulin resistance and blood sugar control, while Gymnema sylvestre is an ancient Ayurvedic herb that helps to reduce sugar cravings and improve glucose metabolism.
5. Cinnamon
And finally, another great option for reducing insulin resistance is cinnamon!
The active ingredient in cinnamon (called cinnamaldehyde) has been found to help support healthy blood sugar levels by improving the body’s ability to absorb and store energy from food.
Supplements that help with inflammation
Chronic, low-grade inflammation is one of the leading causes of many of the health issues we see today, so it’s important to do what we can to help counteract it. And honestly, if you experience any kind of chronic pain or joint discomfort, supplements that help with inflammation are definitely worth looking into.
1. Curcumin
One very popular supplement for this is curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric and has been linked to anti-inflammatory benefits. This has been found to help reduce inflammation in the body and improve joint health.
It’s also an excellent source of antioxidants, which can help protect against free radicals that cause oxidative damage.
Plus, it’s also been found to be helpful in reducing joint pain and discomfort, making it a great natural option for dealing with arthritis.
2. Fish oil
Another supplement to consider is fish oil, which contains the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These have been found to reduce inflammation throughout the body and even help lower cholesterol levels.
Just a word of warning: You do want to be careful with fish oil supplements because they can contain high levels of mercury if you don’t buy one from a reputable source.
3. Quercetin
You may also want to consider adding in some Quercetin, which is an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables. This keto supplement has been linked to reducing inflammation.
It’s also great for improving your overall immune system health!
4. CBD
Additionally, there’s a ton of research being done with CBD oil right now and its effects on inflammation.
While this is still a somewhat controversial subject, CBD has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and could be something worth looking into if you’re dealing with chronic inflammation.
Supplements that improve gut health
Next up are the supplements that help with improving gut health because, as you probably know by now, I’m pretty much OBSESSED with gut health.
Let’s be real, though. It’s hard to talk about improving your OVERALL health without talking about your gut health because it’s SO connected to everything else.
1. Probiotics
One of the most popular supplements for this is probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeasts that help your gut stay in balance and strengthen your immune system.
They’re also great for reducing bloating and helping to improve digestion.
2. Prebiotics
You may also want to consider adding a prebiotic supplement to the mix as well, which helps to provide food for the probiotics so they can do their thing.
3. Digestive enzymes
Another great supplement to consider is digestive enzymes, which help break down food and improve nutrient absorption. They’re especially helpful if you have any sort of digestive issues like IBS or bloating.
4. Glutamine
Finally, there’s also something called glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps to reduce inflammation in the gut and restore healthy intestinal cells. It’s also been linked to improving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Foundational supplements for overall wellness
Last but not least, there are a few foundational supplements that everyone should probably consider taking regularly. These keto supplements can help you maintain an overall sense of wellness and energy.
Plus, they also just provide a baseline foundation for good health.
1. Magnesium
First on this list is magnesium. It helps your body absorb calcium, which can improve bone health, as well as help with muscle relaxation and hormonal balance.
It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be a great way to boost overall wellness.
Note: It’s important to know that there are typically a few different types of magnesium supplements available: magnesium citrate, glycinate, or chloride.
Typically, I recommend sticking with the citrate or glycinate forms, as they tend to be better absorbed by the body.
2. B-complex
I would also recommend adding a B-complex vitamin, which helps to support the body’s energy levels and metabolism. Additionally, it has been linked to reducing stress and improving mood as well.
3. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also a good idea, especially since it’s estimated that up to 50% of the world’s population is deficient in this essential nutrient.
Additionally, vitamin D helps to support immune system health, as well as improve bone and muscle strength.
4. K2
To help your body ABSORB the vitamin D, don’t forget to add in some vitamin K2.
This plays an important role in helping the body absorb calcium and other minerals while also aiding in bone health.
Next steps
WHEW, you guys! I know that was a LOT of information in a short amount of time!
There’s SO much more I could say about this topic, and so much more we could get into about what each specific vitamin and mineral does for your body and whether you should consider supplementing it.
Learn more about keto supplements in the TAS Program
But as I said, that IS something we go MUCH more in-depth into with Dr. Edie inside our TAS program, so that’s an amazing resource for you there if you are part of that program.
If you aren’t familiar, TAS is short for Thin Adapted System and is our main program here at Thinlicious.
If you are READY to get serious about transforming your health in a really significant way, then please know that we will be opening enrollment again at the end of October.
Because it is such a hands-on program, we only open the doors a few times a year and only have a limited number of seats available each time, so be sure to get on our waitlist for that.
Ready to lose weight and get healthy for life?
If you’re ready to lose weight and get healthy for life without dieting, drugs or making yourself miserable, our brand new (and totally free!) on demand video training will help you understand why it’s been so hard and what do to about it.
Listen to the podcast
If you liked this post, you’ll absolutely LOVE the podcast on the same topic!
Listen to the Ditch the Carbs podcast right here!
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In the meantime, if this post was helpful to you, please be sure to pass it along to anyone you think could benefit.
I truly believe that we can change the world by helping people transform their health, so if you have any friends or family who are struggling with health issues, just send them a link to this post so they can start reading too.
Remember, knowledge is power!
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