Now you can see The Widowmaker – Watch For Free.
Following on from the article on choleterol (is cholesterol dangerous and what to do about it) I have been given permission from Ivor Cummins to show you The Widowmaker – Watch For Free.
Full credits:
- Irish Heart Disease Awareness – IDHA. The cardiac test. The mammogram of the heart.
- Ivor Cummins – Fat Emperor
The Widowmaker movie
Everyone should take the time to watch this shortened version of The Widowmaker Movie, so they may understand what is a calcium scan and how is it so profoundly important to request one. If you have a CAC scan, you can take action before it’s too late.
Every minute of every day, someone dies of a heart attack. It is the biggest killer. And the majority of people who drop dead have no warning whatsoever that they have heart disease.
“In 1/3 of patients, the first event is sudden death!”
What is a CAC scan?
A CAC scan is a coronary artery calcification scan. It shows actual calcification in your arteries rather than guessing at possible risk.
If you know your calcium score, you can do something about it.
Half the people who have heart disease have no risk factors, and half who are high risk, show no signs of heart disease. When you have a calcium scan you are looking at the actual disease process itself.
What is a calcification score?
Calcification is part of the healing process and shows where small plaques have ruptured and healed. Classification also is a telltale sign of soft tissue damage below.
#knowyourscore then you can make lifestyle changes before it’s too late.
Many of you here may be doing all the right things already. Living on a whole food diet, avoiding processed food and inflammatory seed oils, and avoiding all sugars and enjoying low-carb foods instead.
But the majority of the world is living under the guidance of the high-carb food pyramid and the flawed science from the past 50 years. For those people, they may be exacerbating their risk rather than reducing it.
Please encourage your loved ones to see the widowmaker – watch for free.
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