We all want to eat healthy and save money, but how?
Discover the 100 top tips to save money while keto.
So many people say they can’t eat healthy because it’s too expensive, I hope to dispel that myth and show you, in the long run, it is the same, if not cheaper.
And read all the comments at the end of the post with the reader’s money-saving tips.
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100 Money saving tips
How To Eat Healthy, Save Money AND Stay Low-Carb
Below are the TOP 100 tips from followers of Ditch The Carbs on Facebook, website, Instagram, and Twitter for their suggestions.
- Simplicity. Keeping meals simple makes life easy. It saves you from buying expensive ingredients, it saves your time and is far more sustainable. Think of simple meat, vegetables and good healthy fats. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.
- In the long run, it is cheaper to stay healthy. Less medical bills, fewer supplements, less medication, less time off work, longer life expectancy and more enjoyable life.
- Add up your current budget. Be realistic with how much you spend already. Add up all the snacks, takeaways, coffees, drinks, cafes, chocolate bars etc. You can’t say something is more expensive if you aren’t realistic about what you are spending each week already. Include ALL foods and drinks.
- Eating healthy low-carb, eventually, you will end up eating less, less snacking and less grazing, less spending on food.
- Shop the perimeter of the supermarket and avoid the aisles and expensive convenience ‘foods’. Generally, stores are set out with the fresh produce, then the chiller cabinets with meat, dairy, fishmonger and delicatessen.
- STOP BUYING junk ‘food’. There is no nutrition in sodas, cakes, biscuits, sweets, and the majority of snack foods.
- STOP BUYING juices, energy drinks and fizzy drinks. These are a complete waste of money. Drink water. Take a water bottle with you. Fill it up as the day goes on and whenever you see a drinking fountain.
- STOP BUYING bread, rolls, and bagels. There is no nutrition in these, they are high in carbs and you will feel hungry again in an hour or two.
- STOP BUYING convenience foods and microwave meals. You are paying for the convenience of a factory making your dinner.
- STOP BUYING cereals. Cereals are based on cheap grains, highly processed, high in carbs, and fortified with artificial nutrients. We are the only culture that bases their breakfast on grains, traditionally used to fatten cattle.
- STOP BUYING takeaways. It is so much more expensive to buy takeaways than yo cook it yourself. McDonald’s for a family of 5 is easily $30. Rather than a takeaway, you could buy a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, a bag of salad, some cheese, ingredients for a dessert and still have some money left over (for dark chocolate).
- STOP BUYING snack bars, muesli bars and other high sugar treats. These may be marketed as wholegrain goodness, but they are an expensive high sugar snack with cheap grains.
- STOP BUYING sweets, confectionery and sugary chocolate. Even if they say they ‘contains real fruit juice’, sugar is sugar! Your body and your teeth will just see the sugar as sugar.
- Start having fun and experiment with cooking. Don’t make it complicated. Just throw some ingredients together and see what you come up with. Get your children involved. Cooking is the number one beneficial thing we can do for our health. The more you cook, the more you will want to cook. You will want to know what goes into your food and you will see it is cheaper to cook at home than eat out.
- LEFTOVERS ARE KING! Try to make extra dinners that can be saved for lunch the next day. Making chicken drumsticks? Make a double batch. Making sausages? Buy another packet and cook them for lunch at the same time the oven is on.
- While the oven is on, cook a dessert or extra meals for the week. Freeze them for when you come home late and don’t have time to cook. It will stop you from buying expensive convenience ‘food’.
- Buy online to avoid the marketing traps and ‘specials’ which lure you into buying more. The delivery charge will save you petrol/gas and you will save $$$ from all the items you have avoided buying.
- Do you really need that new pair of shoes, top (or any other unnecessary clothing item) … Get priorities in order. Get realistic about where you spend your money. Don’t make the excuse you can’t afford good food when actually you are choosing not to.
- Freeze anything that is about to expire. Use the frozen fruit in smoothies, and the frozen vegetables in soups, slow cooker meals. Any meat about to get close to its expiry date, freeze that too and just defrost it on the day that you will eat it.
- Pack your fridge and freezer well so it runs efficiently. It should be neither empty (so you are cooling empty air which warms up quickly) or overpacked (so the airflow is hindered).
- Just because it’s organic, doesn’t mean it’s healthy so leave it on the shelf e.g: organic muesli bars, organic cereal, organic chips, organic dried fruit, organic sugar, Trade Aid sugar.
- Shop without your children if you can. ‘Pester power’ is a well-known marketing tool which increases your purchases.
- Compare prices per 100g. Some foods appear cheaper but are in smaller packets or individual portions which bumps up the $/100g price.
- If you can’t afford free-range or organic produce – don’t! The people who need help the most can’t afford these. We all know that going free-range and organic is better for our health, but don’t let this stop you from buying better. You can still buy healthy food cheaply, just not organic and free-range.
- Buy cheaper cuts of meat. The fatty meat, the chicken with the skin on, chicken on the bone, drumsticks are actually the best cuts of meat. Enjoy eating the fatty meat again, and let others buy the lean expensive cuts.
- Buy eggs in bulk. If you can’t afford free-range, then don’t. A regular egg is still an improvement on packaged food, highly processed carbs, additives and preservatives.
- Buy meat in bulk from the butcher or supermarket when on special. My butcher will give discounts when you buy a few kilos of meat, then packages it up for me in 500g bags.
- If you don’t want the effort of going to a butcher – don’t. Go to the supermarket and buy the best you can find. Make it easy on yourself so long term you can continue, rather than setting unrealistic expectations which aren’t practical for you. Just don’t buy their processed meat.
- Consider stop buying supplements or vitamins once you start eating real food that contains real nutrients.
- STOP BUYING expensive, processed protein powders. Eggs are a great cheap source of protein and a nutrient-dense little friend.
- Can’t afford fresh salmon or fresh tuna? Go for canned salmon and tuna to add to salads or take to work. Avoid the ones canned in vegetable oils such as sunflower or canola.
- Don’t buy pre-packaged salad bags. Buy a variety of salad greens and make your own bag of salad mix every few days. Whole lettuce seems to last longer than the bagged mix.
- By reducing your packaged goods, you will reduce how much rubbish/garbage you produce, so can cut down on garbage bags you buy.
- Start a vegetable patch. Any small space will do, or even a few pots on the windowsill.
- Don’t be fooled by ‘specials’. You save even more by not actually buying it!
- Mince/ground meat is one of the cheapest cuts of meat, and the most versatile. Make burgers, paleo scotch eggs, stuffed peppers, meatballs or meatloaf.
- If you have a local greengrocer, great. They seem to give you the best bargains of fresh produce. Again though, if you don’t have one close by – don’t. It is still better to buy fresh vegetables from the supermarket than not at all.
- Compare fresh, frozen and canned prices of vegetables and fruit. For example, frozen berries are generally cheaper than fresh.
- You can’t compare buying subsidised, coupon saving, cheap processed food with real food. You are not comparing like with like. So buy regular eggs, regular meat if that is what your budget allows.
- Tinned/canned tuna is a great staple to keep in the pantry. It’s cheap, a great source of protein and omega 3 fats. Add some mayonnaise or add to a salad for an easy meal.
- Sign up with your local cut-price butcher for their email alert system. This way they can alert you when there is a price cut, then stock up and load up your freezer.
- STOP FOOD WASTAGE!! Seriously think of how much food ends up in your bin.
- Do not buy any food, until you use what you have already.
- Try and put off visiting the supermarket/butcher/grocer for 1 more day. It’s amazing how you can make a meal from leftovers and scraps.
- Challenge yourself to come up with a new recipe from what is in the cupboard/pantry already.
- Plan ahead and plan your meals, even if it is for 2-3 days so you are not forced to go and buy and expensive solution or convenience food.
- Cut back on treats such as chocolate and wine if the budget is tight. Limit them to once a week/fortnight then you will have more to spend on good quality meals.
- USE YOUR SLOW COOKER. This came out loud and clear. Using your slow cooker will allow you to buy the cheaper, tough cuts of meat. Put the slow cooker on in the morning, and you will come home to a lovely tender meal in the evening. What could be easier?
- Try eating organ meat. We are the only culture where organ meat is seen as somehow undesirable. There is a food snobbery attached to organ meat. Organ meat is the cheapest, yet most nutritious meat there is. Every other culture values the organs and values the entire animal. As the world’s population is ever increasing, we need to be more efficient with each animal that is raised for food. Honour the animal nose to tail.
- Buy stores own label budget milk and dairy. Branded milk can add a big chunk to your budget.
- Keep frozen vegetables on hand as they are cheaper sometimes than fresh, and it will stop you visiting the supermarket and overspending when you run out (how many times have you visited for 1 item and came home with a few bags?).
- Buy in season. No one wants to spend $6 on an avocado when they are out of season, and in the summer they are only $1. Buy in bulk, chop up and freeze.
- Buy vegetables in bulk, place them chopped up on a baking tray in the freezer, freeze then place in a freezer bag or container so they are free-flowing, individual portions.
- Use all the broccoli, including the leaves and stem.
- Eggs are a cheap source of protein. If you have eggs in the house, you have a meal. Omelettes scrambled eggs, fried, poached, boiled, scotch eggs …..
- Buy whole chickens then cut them up and portion them into freezer bags. A whole chicken is so much cheaper than its individual cuts.
- Pack your lunch each day. This tip alone will save you hundreds of $ £ ¥ €
- Use cucumber slices instead of crackers. Healthier and cheaper.
- Only serve up for each meal what you think you will eat. Anything left on your plate can’t be re-used BUT if it’s left in the pot, it can be taken for lunch tomorrow.
- Don’t buy pre-washed, pre-peeled or pre-cut vegetables. You are paying for someone to do this for you. Keep the peelings for vegetable stock, compost bin or worm farm.
- Take your own healthy snacks to the cinema. Avoid the buttered popcorn, bags of sweets and soda pop.
- Don’t buy pre-grated/shredded cheese. Buy in bulk then grate using your food processor and place in bags in the fridge and freezer, ready to go.
- Buy eggs in bulk then put them into the egg cartons in the fridge.
- Stick to the dirty dozen and the clean 15 to limit how much you spend on organic foods.
- Swap garden produce with a friend. Organise what you will each grow, then swap the excess of each. I often give my excess avocados to a friend and get fennel, broccoli and herbs in return.
- Invest in your health. Don’t see the extra money on some foods as an extra cost, turn it around, and see it as investing in your future health and wellbeing.
- TIPS FROM FACEBOOK – Buy avocados in season, slice them up then pop in a freezer bag, ready to throw into the blender when making a smoothie – Vera D
- Know which days your local grocery store marks down their meat, and visit shortly after – Pam S
- Got spinach that’s not up to scratch for eating raw? Throw it in the slow cooker or into your scrambled eggs – Zeb A
- Save the veggie peelings (as long as they are not rotten) in a bowl in the freezer. When the bowl is full, put them in a large saucepan and cover with water. Boil then bring to a simmer for up to an hour. Run the broth through the colander to make basic broth. Freeze it in a 2 cup container so I have some on hand. Saves me from buying bouillon cubes or canned broth. I would recommend adding a bit of butter or olive oil to it before you use it. I don’t like to freeze it with the oil – Mari B
- Use what you already have in your cupboards can really cut costs. Try having 5 really cheap meals a week you keep going back to. Make enough of each meal for one leftover lunch or another dinner. I hate cooking every day – Chrissy S
- Plan to go to the supermarket once a week, veggie shop twice and the butcher for meat. It makes for a long day but I know am getting everything I need – Chrissy S
- Buy nuts from the bulk bins from large supermarkets. The nuts don’t sit for ages and are cheaper than pre-packaged ones – Zeb A
- I never shop hungry – Denise E
- Buy beef/pork/lamb bones from your local butcher and make bone broth – Zeb A
- Make spinach carbonara but load it up with inexpensive veggies such as cabbage then add cooked chicken and it will be enough to last for 2 dinners and 2 lunches. 4 meals for 2 people. $3 per meal – Amanda W
- Make meals in bulk, portion them up and freeze for later. Saves time too – Amanda W
- Every couple of months, I miss a weekly shop (minus the fruit and veggie) and use up meat from the freezer and stuff in the cupboards – Chrissy S
- Buy butter, cheese, cream at Aldi, also their grass-fed meat is cheap. Buy in season and eggs are a cheap meal – John S
- We just stick to meats, eggs, cheeses, nuts and veggies. All meats get grilled and since it is so delicious, none gets wasted. We don’t get into bread making because we do without bread at all of our meals. If we desire a piece of bread, we just take a piece of Ezekiel bread out of the freezer. A loaf will last months. We’re into basic seasoning for our foods. Our food budget isn’t too bad even in times where the dollar has been severely deflated and it takes more to purchase items. Keeping it simple works best for us – Heather H
- I watch for sales of things that freeze well, like meat and butter. We have a small garden which helps in the summer. Peppers, zucchini, cucumber and tomatoes are fairly easy to grow – Cheryl V
- We invested in a Food Saver so we can buy in bulk (Sam’s, Costco, Chef Store). No waste – Tina N
- Buy large quantities of berries in season to freeze raw. Cauliflower bought in bulk then gets chopped up for cauli rice and frozen raw – Denise B
- Since I stopped buying packet foods we are not spending anymore. A couple on a seniors income. We can’t access a to of organic F&V so buy in season and grow some of your own. Freeze kale, spinach and ginger for my smoothies and spring onions cut up for stir-fries and omelettes. No waste. Freeze leftover chicken and meat bones and keep the ends of carrots, celery eye in the freezer until I have enough to make bone broth – Jenny M
- Make a large frittata with eggs, lots of vegetables and bacon or chicken and then lots of lunches for the week. Make a big bowl of coleslaw minus the dressing for lunches or stir drys – Janette H
- Buy a whole chicken and portion it up. Use the scraps, organs and bones to make broth – Buck B
- Keep it simple is more cost-effective. Meat, eggs, fruit and veggie is not too much. Avocado and coconut cream are not too much but butter can be, so stock up when it is cheap – Chrissy S
- Farmers Markets are your best friend!!! Here 2 large bags of goodies $5 – Michelle L
- Meal prep, plan for the week and buy seasonal – Tillie S
- Make a grocery list and stick to it as much as possible – Cavemomma Ugh
- Buy vegetables that can last long and store them well!! – The Health Conscious Glutton
- Make your own tomato sauce, mayo, BBQ sauce, dried herbs, sauerkraut – Kahtleen C
- I have been avoiding some “special” ingredients that some low carb cooks swear by. I don’t see the point of buying almond flour if I am fine without having bread products in the house. I did splurge a bit today at Wal-Mart and got some coconut oil because it was on sale for $3. My husband and I have noticed that just doing the low carb diet is saving us money. We are not spending it on processed foods. We buy meat, dairy, olive oil, and veggies, that’s it. – Mari B
- Have a ‘bulk budget’ built into your weekly budget on top of the normal shopping, usually an extra $10-$15 – Chrissy S
- Honeyville has a newsletter and you can get 20% off coupons periodically, then buy in bulk and portion it up for the freezer – Carolyn
- Have a box of organic vegetables delivered to your door. It is a set price, cheaper than the local store. It is a challenge to incorporate everything into meals and the kids get to try new things – Kathleen C
- After a year of eating LCHF, we find we are eating less total food so we can afford better quality overall. We also eat out much less which saves $$ – Buck B
- Want to spend $10 on 1kg of meat? Buy hearts, ox or sheep. Not only are they nutritionally amazing, but they are also cheap and tasty. Chop ’em up and fry with beef broth, red wine and Italian herbs. Throw in your favourite veggies, and voila! – Zeb A
- Grow your one herbs. Rosemary, mint, thymes etc all grow well in pots, at very little cost – Zeb A
Please leave a comment with your tips and ideas on “How To eat Healthy And Save Money”.

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Lots of good ideas for beginners and I do most of them (can’t have a garden). The only thing is that for me it isn’t cheaper!! I’ve been living the low carb life for more than a dozen years and been on a small fixed income the whole time. I am healthy, which is why I do this, but since I have health insurance that doesn’t save me money if we’re talking nitty gritty dollars & cents reality here! I buy in bulk & cook in bulk, bagging and freezing everything in usable portion sizes. It’s an extremely rare event if anything has to be thrown out because it went bad (#42)! I do my monthly shopping at BJs and Aldi’s which are the cheapest options around here. Back in the day I enjoyed going to the local farmers market for fresh produce but in recent years that has actually gotten to be MORE expensive than buying large bags of organic frozen veggies at BJs. Anyone who lives in an area where the farmers market is cheaper is truly lucky! I wish it were still cheaper here because I love produce fresh from a farm but I have to count every penny and can no longer afford FM prices.
Back then I also lived on pasta & potatoes and lots of boxed food. I used lots of coupons too. I don’t agree that you can’t compare savings using coupons & store specials because we’re talking about cost here, not health (#39). These days, you very rarely find coupons for meats, nuts & veggies because the major food corporations aren’t making billions of dollars on those things. Profit is why they offer so many coupons for packaged, processed foods, it’s all about making THEM money! Not a lot of profit in fresh meat & produce! Being on a fixed income, I only shop at the beginning of the month when I get my money so I miss out on occasional specials offered in between. In those days, I could always find boxed mac n’ cheese for 10-25cents a box. Adding in some margarine and a cup of broccoli to the package and the whole meal cost less than 50cents. I’ve never made a low carb meal for that price. I used to buy 10 pound bags of potatoes for less than $1 which stretched out a lot of meals during the month. Speaking of margarine, I used to buy huge tubs for less than what 1 stick of butter would cost and a gallon of milk cost less than a quart of cream, which is what I use now. Store brand or generic pastas were usually 4 boxes for $1 & often even cheaper with coupons or store specials. Those boxes of pasta accounted for about half a month’s meals. And of course there were things like “hamburger helper” and stores even had their own versions of that which made it even cheaper. I cringe when I think that I actually ate some of that stuff but, cost-wise, it made my income manageable and at the time I didn’t realize it was ruining my health. Health is what made me change my way of eating but I spend 2-3 times more for food these days than I did in the early 2000s. And I’m referring to the percentage of my available budget which is easy to see & feel because I scrimp on everything else now, since I no longer scrimp on food (#18). I no longer buy canned tuna (#40) because of mercury. Canned tuna used to be dirt cheap. Now I buy canned salmon and sardines which are more nutritious but a more expensive too so I try to find bargains for them.
Someone mentioned (#93) finding coconut oil for $3…I’ve never seen that, I envy them finding that they are saving money but that hasn’t been my experience. I wish I could find it for that price! I do buy coconut oil at the cheapest price I can find & I also buy almond flour, coconut flour, flax meal etc. but those are not part of my monthly food budget. If I’m out of one of those items I simply go without something else, so it all comes out the same in my monthly budget. I’ll NEVER be able to afford the grass fed, free range meats that are now listed in almost EVERY recipe on the internet which is really irritating to people like me, who can’t afford it. Seriously, if a recipe is posted that includes 1 lb of ground beef (or whatever) is it really assumed that people are so stupid that they won’t use the best beef if they can afford it, unless someone tells them to??? This is one of my pet peeves. Sorry for the rant but a low carb lifestyle isn’t really a cheap way to eat. Yes, there are shortcuts but it’s never cheap! I certainly believe it’s the BEST way to eat and for me, it’s the ONLY way!
I do think your tips are helpful for beginners in how to manage a low carb lifestyle because it does require planning, and lots of food prep and cooking. This would be a great list for anyone trying to figure out how to do it. But, sorry, I think it’s misleading to tell people it’s cheaper.
I was hoping to show people how to save money when changing their eating habits, not say it was cheaper. I also don’t expect everyone to buy grass fed meat, and to compare the ‘products’ people used to eat, compared to ‘food’ they now eat, is a impossible because they are not the same thing. I’m glad you found some things helpful 🙂
I believe processed food is a lot more expensive than fresh. If you compare fresh food per pound to unhealthy processed food you will pay a lot more for the processed food. I shop at Aldi’s , local farmers market, and my local supermarket for my meat when it is on sale. I can get tomatoes, lettuce,green squash, cabbage Kale, avocado’s, scallions, cauliflower, broccoli etc, prices range from 99 cents to a 1.19 cents per lb. Can’t beat prices for all your dairy products including almond milk in Aldi’s. I get my coconut oil in Sams Club and my coconut flour from Amazon, Psyllium Husk in Walmart,great pancakes with cream cheese, psy husk, eggs, best I have ever eaten.
Thanks Sheila, I agree. Processed food can be so expensive and so much is eaten as snacks and on the go. Once you start eating low carb, petite is reduced and you end up eating less, but better. 🙂
Hello, I just read your 100 tips and it appears you pretty much covered everything, I usually buy meat packages from the butchers and even though it is a chunk of money at one time it is way cheaper in the long run. I may pay between $350-400 for a package but it usually lasts 3-4 months. I then only have to get vegetables, dairy, ect, ect at the store once a week. I keep my eye open for grocery store grand openings because lately in my area there have been a ton of stores opening like fresh thyme, whole foods and earth fare….When that happens they usually run some sales on meats and other things we use doing LCHF, When our local fresh thyme opened this summer I got 1lb packages of grass feed beef for $2.99Lb….I got 50lbs. Once in awhile we get coupons for money off when I shop in the meat and seafood section or produce….I combine them with sales and save….unfortunately I live in the city and there is no way I could have a small garden, the wildlife would be a constant battle or I would. I also like to maximize cooking time, so like you, if I have my oven on I try and make a few things for the week to minimize firing it back up. My wife gets a Sams club membership through work and there are some deals there, not many but for my family there is because I am the only one who does lchf. I post some of the deals I find there on instagram. I also tell people just starting to buy certain cookbooks because they can tell what they need to have on hand and their kitchen stocked with. Alot of people I know just wake up one day and try to do low carb, even when they have success they fail because they don’t prepare, they just eat out and count the carbs, even though that is not to bad in the long run I found its almost impossible to eat out and get the LCHF balance right to keep you satisfied, they then eat to many processed things like low carb tortillas, bars, shakes, ect and it just seems to always lead to a sugar craving. I am far from perfect but I so have a determination to not go back to where I was I keep myself pretty motivated, I have really been learning alot the past year, up until last year I just really only counted carbs, I did not really care what oils or ingredients my food was cooked in as long as it did not end in ose I would eat it, but for a little over a year now I have ate a lot more clean, I have totally stayed away from the inflammatory oils and ingredients, and upping the fat allowed me to lower my protein intake, I am still learning but it was a smooth transition and I like it a lot better then just doing straight low carb, Oh, I would add, you have to buy a big deep freeze if you plan to buy in bulk. Sorry I was not more help, but you pretty much have it all covered.
We can most of our food. I make pizza and pasta sauces, sloppy joe mixes, salsas, roasted meats. You do all of the hard work up front and then when it’s meal crunch time, it takes 5 minutes to throw supper together. Fast homemade food.
We live in a rural area where we can very often wander at will. This means we can forage for an assortment of food stuffs, wild garlic, brambles (wild blackberries) and just two. As we have had a strange summer this year the brambles are ripe already and we pick around 2lbs a day, wash, pick them over and then freeze them. I won’t need to buy any frozen blackberries ever again!
There are also so wonderful farm shops around and although a bit on the expensive side we can buy lots of the best beef or lamb for the freezer. One top up of each a year feeds us our red meat. Not had any luck with poultry yet but will keep trying.
You sound like you live in paradise. I would love to live somewhere rural like that. I have an avocado tree and that’s about it, but man, when they come in season – I am the luckiest girl in town.
October will be our 5th month on keto and our grocery spending is trending downward. When we first started out, I was obsessed with “keto substitutes” for bakery items and sweets. I shopped for those things first and ordered special flours, sweeteners, etc and THEN spent the rest on meat, dairy and veg. Over time I’ve learned to shop meats, eggs, veg, then dairy then use whatever is left for the other stuff. We’ve found bread isn’t necessary at every meal and our sweet tooth is diminishing.
Thanks for some really great budget tips in this list, especially like 11, 15, 68 and 78 ☺
Make your own yogurt! You’ll save money and also time avoiding to double-check labels verifying that there aren’t fillers or sugars of any kind: you cna simply prepare 7 jars of yougurt in your Instant Pot if you have one, ore even in the slowcooker (lots of tips and recipes for that on Pinterest), and making it plain you can time to time add what you want in that monìment (fruit, coffe, cocoa powder, nuts, cinnamon… use imagination and vary!), and you can also do greek-yogurt, or coconut/almond milk yogurt if you have to be dairy free. I have a cheap but very useful yougurt-maker since 2005 and it’s still works great. It’s useful also in summer because you can freeze yogurt and then use it to makea quick icecream/ frozen yougurt dessert in few minutes throwing it in a blender and adding ingredients of choiche, without churning too. I find this a very good option, kids approved too.
thanks for the information
I get a lot of tips from all sources. It pays to be curious at times. For instance, I noticed that heavy whip cream goes on sale when there are still weeks left on pull date. Who knows how long the butter has been frozen at markets. Making your own fresh butter is so simple. Just whip it on high til it actually turns into butter. There will be liquid left behind once you put it into a cheesecloth ball and let drip in fridge. You can add your own salt or not. There are plenty web sites giving a more detailed instruction. Yummy, fresh butter! Add herbs for a change.
Thanks on your marvelous posting! I really enjoyed reading it, you are a great author.
I will ensure that I bookmark your blog and may come back sometime soon. I
want to encourage one to continue your great work, have a nice weekend!
Thank you for all the wonderful tips ! My husband and I have started to eat a more plant based diet. I find a lot of healthy foods at Biglots. I get quinoa, oats, canned beans, brown rice, olive oil and coconut oil at very good prices. There are Bob’s Mill products at lower prices than other stores. We have more energy and generally feel better . I use my pressure cooker every single day.
This is awesome! I absolutely LOVE reading reader’s success stories. And as for the slow-cooker? I am torn between that and my Instant Pot as my favourite money-saving kitchen gadgets.
#22, don’t shop with children. When my kids were small and I couldn’t leave them at home alone, before we’d get out of the car at the store, I’d remind them of the 3 Rules
1. Stay with me.
2. We are not buying candy or toys. (you could change it to, we are only buying what’s on the list, nothing else)
3. You can look, but you cannot touch. (especially if we went down the toy aisle.)
It was amazing how well-behaved they were when they knew the expectations.
Also, young kids hear the word “No” so much, that, instead of saying no if they asked for something, I’d tell them, “Not today.” I wasn’t saying no, just not now.
This is great advice. Anyone who finds it difficult to stay on budget will definitely benefit from these money-saving tips while purchasing organic foods. Appreciate your useful insights!
I am always browsing online for articles that can benefit me.