Ok so the headline is a bit dramatic but this is a great little clip showing what sugar is doing to our bodies. Sugar is killing us, albeit slowly, and we can stop it.
So what do we do? Glad you asked because I have found another little video which gives 5 tips for reducing sugars in our diet, why fructose is so bad and all the names sugar goes by.
Ignore the recommended wholegrain bread in the clip, on their YouTube channel, they have made a disclaimer that fruit and vegetables are a better source of fibre.
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Source: The Tremendousness Collective
And I couldn’t finish this without one last little clip, What Sugar Really Does To You Body. Source: The Real Bears – an organisation wanting to highlights the dangers of soda and high sugar drinks
“It wasn’t so bad when soft drinks were the occasional treat. But now sugary drinks are the number one source of calories in the American diet. “
To watch more videos like this, take a look at my Top Videos page or subscribe to my YouTube channel where I have created playlists on documentaries, lectures, how food is made, diabetic university, and some fun stuff for kids.
What if you could actually take control of
your health in just 10 days?
It’s not your fault you can’t lose weight as a woman over 40 even though you’ve likely tried literally everything. Your metabolism probably feels broken and your hormones are likely all out of whack.
But you can fix it all with ONE simple change: eliminate sugar. We make is super easy with our 10-Day Sugar Detox . Are you ready to get started now?
I enjoyed the videos however are you aware that you’re banners ads include Doritos, Ruffles and pizza just to name a few? That’s a huge contradiction to the videos and your blog.
Sorry, I have tried to put as many filters on my ads as possible, but sometimes they appear 🙁
I think you do a fantastic job, keep up the great work 🙂
Thank you Peter.
Do you understand that all carbohydrates turn to
glucose in your body?
Demonizing sugar obfuscates the issue.
Of course I understand all carbs turn into sugar. Reducing sugar is the first step and not complicating the issue at all.
Sugar does not do anybody and favours. There is far too much added to many of our foods that the majority are unaware of.
All these videos were good choices.
We must continue to spread the word eating whole real foods is far healthier.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. I love finding little videos like these, they convey the message so easily. Real food and not ‘fake food’ is the way to go but who is going to put that message out there? Us.
Hi Libby ,
I think the more people are made aware of this on a consistent basis the better.
We are in the ‘awareness’ phase of sugar and its problems on health , but brands like Coca Cola arn’t helping.
For example, Coca Cola just released their new drink ‘Life’ which only has 1 teaspoon less of sugar in a bottle than regular cola.
I have no doubt there’ll be a time when we say ‘no more’ and brands won’t have a choice – they will have to make things healthier!
We have the power as the consumer !
Thanks for sharing Libby !
Thanks Freya, I agree. Have you seen my post on why I turned down Pepsi? I don’t agree with green branding and it is up to us as consumers to vote with our $$$
4 mm inths ago I decided following much research to Quit Sugar I had an auto immune disease called Lupus and my body was in a constant state of inflamation. I must admit at first it was hard and I had a few bad days, than I decided that wasn’t good enough. Everthing in my house had to go all processed food and anything that cantained sugar. I was back on 3 wèekly specialist visits with my Rhuemy wanting my steroids to go back to 30 mg again. There was no way I was staying on these elevated doses of drugs. I told my Rhuemy that I had quit sugar there was no comment, than I went to see my cardilogist who remarked that I wasnt carrying as much fluid around my heart 3 weeks later feeling mhch better I went off for my appointments eagerly waiting to see what my blood tests revealed. The news was great, the doctors didnt need to see me for 4 weeks. Last week I reached my goal…My bloods were perfect, the best they had been since I had been diagnosed. I had no glugg around my heart and all my auto immune results were normal I have been drug free for 11 weeks and sugar free for 4 months. I still get very tired and have a small amount of tenderness in my finger joints. No Drs appointments for 8 weeks, wow I have never gone 8 weeks between appointments. Sugar is evil, I only cheat every Sunday when i go to the farmers markets and I allow my self some strawberries and new season apples but nothing else. Everyone with an illness should get off the drug wagon and try quiting sugar, it has truly opened ,y hpurs and I wasnt a junk food eater rather I ate loads of fruit, yogurt and cooked my own cakes and bicuits i still
Have a great diet but have substituted or reinvented recipes that exclude sugar, in any form, rarely using rice maple syrup
Kerrie yours is an amazing story and an inspirational one too. Thank you so very much for sharing with us. How often are we hearing that once people see the connection between what we eat and our health, it is a game-changer for them? Giving up sugar (carbs and seed oils) is the best thing we can do for our current and future health, and you are a fabulous example of that. How amazing you must feel now and how excited for the future. Congratulations on achieving your brilliant results. You’re right, sugar is evil. Especially because it lurks in almost every processed food there is, and to make it worse, they try and hide it under different names. Well, savvy consumers are on the rise and we are voting with our $$$. Awesome work Kerrie.
I gave up sugar and grains one year ago after i had weight loss surgery and i have never felt better. All my inflammation is gone. I just had my one year check up and my Dr was so impressed! He said i had the blood test results of a healthy 20 year old.
Does anyone have cholesterol issues with this way of eating? I love the food but my total cholesterol is over 300….
This page and this page will be of interest to you. Both help explain why inflammation is the enemy and other blood markers are more accurate at predicting heart disease.
And glucose is turned into glycogen and is stored in the liver for fuel for our cells. I’m okay with that!
And can you guess what happens to the excess glucose? And what happens when your glycogen stores are full?
It’s a shame you don’t have a donate button! I’d
definitely donate to this fantastic blog! I suppose for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to
my Google account. I look forward to fresh updates and will share this website with my Facebook group.
Talk soon!