This is the ultimate LCHF breakfast, high in protein and good quality healthy fats to start the day off. Get rid of those cereals, wholegrains and all natural organic cereals which belong more in the dessert aisle than the breakfast aisle.

Boiled Eggs & Cheese Soldiers
Go back to good old fashioned boiled eggs and soldiers, but cheese soldiers. There is no way you will be hungry again in a few hours, like a breakfast full of grains and sugar will make you.
Children and adults alike will love this incredibly simple eal. And why are cereals and wholegrains so bad for us I hear you ask? Well take a look at this post how cheap grains are turned into socially acceptable foods, and ponder this – why would we eat grains when they are used to fatten animals before slaughter, grains are force fed to geese and ducks to create fatty liver disease for foie gras, and why is it grains are the biggest source of calories in the ‘modern’ world, yet are incredibly nutrient poor?
We are the most overfed and undernourished generation in history. And one last thing, the food pyramid was never meant to have so many servings of grains until the wheat lobbyists got hold of it and exerted their pressure back in the 1970’s.
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The Ultimate Keto Breakfast Recipe
- 1 eggs – medium
- 50 g full fat cheese
- Place your egg in a saucepan of cold water, cover with a lid and bring the water and eggs to the boil.
- Once the water is really boiling and bubbling away, turn the heat off, and place the saucepan (with the water and eggs) to rest away from the heat.
- Set your timer and leave your eggs in the saucepan of hot water for the following times.
- Soft and runny centre = 4 minutes
- Semi soft centre = 6 minutes
- Medium = 10 minutes
- Hard boiled = 16 minutes
- Once your eggs are cooked to your desire, drain the water immediately and either serve hot or run under cold water to be kept in the fridge once totally cooled.

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Great idea !! Any recommendation for best nutrient dense cheese – also would a side of mushrooms / spinach create a more balanced meal . Also I commute 150 miles a week by bike and I’m slowly converting to LCHF … any recommended reading ? Thanks for your inspiration
Absolutely, that would be fantastic. Leafy greens such as spinach or silverbeeet, mushrooms, avocado, asparagus are all great vegetables to add. As for books, take a look at my top low carb books I recommend here. When just starting out you will want to learn as much as you can because we have to ‘unlearn’ all the traditional food pyramid advice. Also take a look at my page for those who are new here and want to read more. Welcome 🙂
I look for a well-aged cheese so it has more vitamin K2 (which comes from bacterial fermentation). I also like a grass-fed cheese because it should have more butyrate. Both K2 and butyrate are very beneficial for us. Since I have some food intolerance issues, I also do better with sheep and goat cheeses. We like Manchego (but we love all things Spanish).
What a great start to the day … could even be enjoyed for tea !
All the best Jan
Great breakfast for champions (of LCHF haha)! Nice and simple. Thanks for the recipe 🙂 Pinned!
Genius I reckon 😉
Since I’m still somewhat new to this, can you please explain how this has 6 sugars and only 1.1 carbs?
It should read 0.6g sugars.
Really amazing recipe. haven’t seen that one before!
Hi I would like to use some of your information especially your pic of the free meal plan in my book
I am sorry but all my material found on my website (and this applies to all websites) is covered by copyright, is for personal use and cannot be used for anyone elses financial gain. Please see this page. I spend all my time and energy on my website and do not allow it to be copied 🙁
Halloumi fries would be good with the egg.
I agree with you on the food pyramid. I have decided that, if you turn it upside down, then make each level its appropriate width, you will have the proper LCHF diet. Thanks for putting our all of these recipes. It really helps.