Quick and easy coconut flour chocolate chip cookies – only 2g net carbs!
These are the best homemade keto cookies. But watch out, make sure you make enough for the whole family to enjoy.

These are the best keto cookies and perfect little treats when a sweet craving strikes. They are a delicious healthy snack for school lunch boxes and work.
Are chocolate chip cookies keto?
No, regular cookies are not keto. Traditional chocolate chip cookies are high in sugar, flour, gluten, and unhealthy fats. If you want to stay on your keto diet and continue to lose weight, giving in to the temptation of cookies is the downfall of so many.
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But if you learn how to make a homemade keto cookie, with low carb and sugar-free ingredients instead, you can stay on track. You can even enjoy your keto cookie with a keto coffee!
Why coconut flour?
For those of you who have a nut allergy or other dietary restrictions, using coconut flour is a wonderful alternative to wheat flour or all-purpose flour.
100g all-purpose white flour = 73.3g net carbs, 1g fat, 10.3g protein
100g coconut flour = 21.4g net carbs, 14.3g fat, 14.3g protein
NOTE: Coconut flour is lower in carbs PLUS you use a much smaller amount. A recipe might only require 1/4 to 1/3 cup of coconut flour.
Coconut flour is:
- cheaper than almond flour
- high fiber
- extremely low in net carbs
- nut free
- sugar free
However, this new keto flour can be a little tricky to use. Coconut flour does not behave like any other flour, so let me give you my top tips to using coconut flour to make sure your keto baking is successful. Because no one wants expensive baking mistakes.

How to use coconut flour
If you haven’t baked with coconut flour yet, always try using recipes that have been developed using coconut flour already. This new healthy gluten-free flour can be tricky to work with and it behaves completely different from wheat flour and almond flour.
Coconut flour requires much more moisture and generally a lot more eggs. But in a cookie, this is perfect. The cookies are soft, low in carbs, and high in protein.
Can you substitute coconut flour for almond flour?
No. You cannot simply substitute coconut flour for almond flour, wheat flour, all-purpose flour, or regular flour. There are substitution charts available but none of them really explain how many additional wet ingredients you need to add to the dry ingredients.
Coconut flour is the defatted and dehydrated part of the coconut. It swells and absorbs many times its own volume so requires a lot of wet ingredients. It also requires a lot of eggs (which make the baking high protein) to give it structure.
If this is the first time using coconut flour, this is a great recipe, to begin with. It is the perfect combination of simple ingredients to make a healthy cookie.
If you are new here, you may want to read this article where I compare coconut flour vs almond flour.
I have an entire back catalog of coconut flour recipes. All the recipes are either made with coconut flour, or I have written conversions to swap almonds for coconut flour.
Do coconut flour recipes taste of coconut?
A lot of people who are sensitive to the taste of coconut often comment they can taste the coconut.
The trick I use every time I bake with coconut flour is to flavor the recipe heavily to overpower any subtle coconut taste some people find.
For a savory recipe, I would add extra herbs, spices, and cheese, for a sweet recipe I would add extra vanilla and sweetener for example.

Which chocolate and sweetener to use
To make sure your cookies are low carb and sugar-free, you will need to use a sugar-free sweetener. Don’t be fooled by recipes that say they are sugar-free but continue to use honey, coconut sugar, brown sugar, or agave. They’re all sugar. They will all raise your blood glucose and kick you out of ketosis.
The most commonly used keto sweeteners in sweet recipes are stevia, erythritol, xylitol, and monk fruit.
Remember to avoid maltitol. Many nutritional panels don’t add it to the carbohydrate count, but it does raise your blood sugar. It is often found in sugar-free chocolate which is why I prefer to use cacao nibs in my coconut flour chocolate chip cookies. 95% dark chocolate chopped finely also works beautifully.
Cacao nibs give a lovely crunch to the cookies because they don’t melt when baked, they add a punch of chocolate flavor and taste like traditional choc chips.
How much sweetener to use?
Regular chocolate chip cookies are incredibly sweet and high sugar. To help transition you away from sugar, remember to adjust the sweetener in all my recipes to YOUR taste buds and YOUR sweet tooth.
We are all on different paths to our sugar-free journey, so one person may require double (or half) the sweetener stated. Add a small amount each time, because you can’t take it out and don’t want an over-sweetened recipe.
If you are using stevia as your sweetener of choice, too much stevia will actually turn bitter – and no one wants a failed cookie. Each time you make low carb recipes, you will probably require less and less as time goes on.
TOP TIP: As with ALL recipes here, ALWAYS taste your batter BEFORE cooking to ensure you have added enough sweetener to suit YOUR tastebuds. Read the Ultimate Guide To Low-Carb Sweeteners.
How to bake perfect cookies
First, make your cookie dough in one large mixing bowl or a food processor. The recipe calls for softened butter, but I often use melted butter and it works wonderfully. For best results, always allow the cookie dough to sit for a while to absorb all the moisture from the wet ingredients.
Roll small golf ball-sized cookie dough balls and place them evenly on a prepared baking sheet (cookie sheet) lined with baking parchment. You can also use a silicone liner.
Coconut flour keto chocolate chip cookies never go completely crispy because they don’t contain sugar or gluten.
To make the cookies bake as crispy and hard as you can, make sure you press the dough balls down with the palm of your hand or a fork, to make them thin and cook until golden brown.
Once the cookies are baked, remove them from the oven and place them on a wire cooling rack so as much of the moisture escapes.
Serving and storage
When I make these, my kids always prefer them warm, out of the oven. Personally, I prefer them once they have sat on the kitchen bench covered in a tea towel for a day.
I think the cookies absorb some moisture from the air and it makes the cookies light, soft and delicate.
I store any uneaten cookies in an airtight container for up to 3 days, or in the freezer for up to 2 months. Simply defrost 1 or 2 cookies at a time at room temperature.
Variations & substitutions
These are easily adaptable to your favorite cookie flavor with these simple variations.
- Drizzle with sugar-free chocolate
- Dip in chocolate
- 1 tbsp orange zest
- 2 tbsp peanut butter
- 1 tbsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 2 tbsp almond butter
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
I am often asked if you can use coconut oil instead of butter to make a dairy-free cookie (paleo chocolate chip cookies), and the answer is, maybe. It’s not as simple as just swapping the two oils for one another.
Butter gives a lovely flavor that coconut oil doesn’t. You would need to add a pinch of salt to taste that the butter would normally provide. You might also want to double the vanilla extract because coconut oil is flavorless.
Can you use a flax egg or chia seed “egg”? Not in this recipe. You need the egg for protein and structure in the cookie recipe.

Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
- Baking sheets – non stick
- Silicone baking sheets
- Measuring cups and spoons
- 113 g butter softened
- 4 tbsp granulated sweetener, of choice or more to taste
- 65 g coconut flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 2 eggs – medium
- 2 tbsp cacao nibs
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- Cream the softened butter and sweetener together until light, pale and fluffy.
- Add all the other ingredients and mix well until combined and the mixture begins to thicken.
- Squeeze a small handful into a ball, then press into a cookie shape with your fingers.
- Place the coconut flour chocolate chip cookies on a lined baking tray and bake at 180C/350F for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown on the edges.
- Allow to cool for a while, then remove and place on a baking wire rack to cool down completely. These cookies are even nicer the next day.
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So excited to try these!!!!!! I bake for my grandsons and adapt most of your recipes to use light olive oil or coconut oil in place of butter as I need to make them both gluten and dairy free. Hopefully this will work for this recipe. Fantastic!!
Aren’t you the best grandma ever?!
Hi Lynda, did you tried with coconut oil?! How much did u used?! I want to make them diary free as well!! Thanks!!!
I used coconut oil. About the same amount as a stick of butter but just did that by eye not measurement. It worked out great! Love these cookies. They will help keep me on track with low carb eating as I get my sweet cookie type fix and the fibre keeps me regular too. That can be a problem when I omit whole grains.
Can’t wait to make these!!! Hey, have you come across the Lily’s chocolate chips?? They are AWESOME and are what we use! https://amzn.to/2vOw3dp
Lily’s uses stevia and erythritol.
Thanks Nisa, unfortunately I cant buy that here in NZ, we are so restricted to products – which has it’s pros and cons. I need to go on a food buying trip 😉
Hi Libby,
I love youre recipes, trying a lot of them. So glad i found them. Even my kids love some of it, there not low carb and are very suspicious of my baking results.
A long time ago I have made chocolate chips folling this recipe https://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/homemade-sugar-free-chocolate-chips-low-carb-and-gluten-free/
It uses erythritol.
I love it that you use grams/ metrics most foreign recipes i know are using cups, this makes it far easier for my. Being Dutch. It’s pouring rain here, i think i am making this a baking day.
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Hi Libby,
So excited to see this recipe, and get a proper biscuit with crunch, so I baked them today. They looked awesome, tasted awesome, but were soft. Will they crisp up tomorrow if I leave them out, with the tea towel over them? Did I put the tea towel on them too soon They were out of the oven about an hour when I threw the tea towel over them), is that why they weren’t crisp. These taste so good, I’ll will keep baking them, but I would like to get a biscuit crunch if I could. Thanks Libby
That may have done it. Sometimes these cookies turn out more like shortbreads depending on the humidity the day I baked them. My kids still demolished them 🙂
These look soooo delicious but I cant have eggs (or dairy)… is there something I could substitute the eggs for?
Sorry but not really in this recipe. The egg helps bind the cookies together.
Try aquafaba and ground flax. It call superegg.
Going to try these cookies. Will be great to have an alternative to the pizza and cookie lunch fundraisers that the school has three times a term.
Thanx for sharing! Can I substitute coconut to almond? Thanks
Not in this recipe I’m afraid. I am trying to develop an almond flour recipe, so stay tined, it will be here soon. Unfortunately coconut and almond flours are not interchangeable. Read this article why.
Fresh out of the oven. I added salt as that seemed to be missing from the ingredients. Other than that exclusiin, the cookies turned out well. Parchment paper is a must
Omg… so so so awesome!!! Love how moist and soft these cookies are!
Amazing and thx for sharing!
Btw- how’s long does it keep out of the refrigerator?
I keep them in an airtight container in my cool pantry for 3 days (but they generally are eaten within 2 😉 ).
Amazing recipe, perfect with the Bullet proof coffee in the morning, definitely gana be a weekly staple in my pantry.
To make these savory do u only omit the sweetener and add herbs?
I’ve never made the savoury, but yes, I think your swaps would work.
Did you try this and did they work?
These cookies are delicious.
I am conducting an experiment: I’ve frozen some of the dough (3 cookie balls) to see how they go after defrosting and baking.
I like to have things on hand for sudden sugar cravings. I have always kept gluten free brownies or cookie dough (homemade) in my freezer. Then I just bake one cookie at a time so I don’t pig out 😀
If these cookies pass the freezer test, this recipe will be a constant in my kitchen.
Been low carb for 2 weeks now – easiest ‘diet’ I’ve ever done. A big thank you for this website, it has made my transition very easy. I’ve printed about 50 recipes today!!
Brilliant!! Please come back and let me know the results of your ‘experiment’. I’m guessing you could also roll the cookie dough into a log then slice off one cookie at a time to cook. P.S. Don’t let on how easy this ‘diet’ is, everyone thinks we are deprived and lack any sense of fun by giving up sugar and junk food 😉 If only they knew (insert snorting laughing here).
You don’t happen to have the measurements in teaspoons / cups?
Yes, all my recipes now have a big red box beneath them so you can easily switch between grams and US measurements. You can even change the number of servings and the quantities will recalculate themselves as if by magic. Yay.
I love that you do that. I prefer to weigh dry ingredients. Too easy to get too much of flours.
Have you tried making “browned butter” and making these cookies? Wondering if it would help to knock it up a notch and give it a brown sugary flavor like my old favorite recipe. I’m considering trying it.
Oooh, no, but what a great idea. I did however at the weekend, add some lemon zest with the cacao nibs. My kids tell me they were yummy.
Made these last night with just 3 tablespoons of stevia, as I am always trying to get us used to enjoying less sweetness. The texture is different to a crisper biscuit made with sugar and wheat flour, but very excited to be able to make a little treat to have with an evening cup of tea that is only 2 grams of carbohydrate. I used cacao nibs as we regularly buy these now and use them in our berry yoghurt, love the texture they give and the dense cocoa flavour. You do get used to not having the sweetness of chocolate bits, and to enjoy the dense cocoa flavour. Sometimes I even just crunch a few!
Me too. I love crunching on cacao nibs and don’t miss that sickly sugar taste any more. I added a bit of lemon zest to these biscuits last night, anomy kids love them. Next time I will add orange zest.
I tried these today and it was a little different that expected. I didn’t realize the nibs would not melt and the stevia I used ( 4 tbsp. per recipe) did not make them sweet. They were little softer after I let them cool a bit but next time I will tweak the recipe with more sweetener and more flavor. There are nice though for this WOE.
The cacao nibs I use end up softer once cooked, but a little crunchy which I like. If you are new to cacao nibs, it might take a while to fall in love with them (I can eat them straight out the bag for that cocoa kick). With all my recipes, the sweetener is always stated “or more to your taste” as everyone will require far more or far less depending on their sweet tooth (or lack of). Feel free to add more, and as time goes on, you will require less and less, you’ll be amazed. 🙂
My oven only has too heat and so took 20 mins and I could have baked longer (not all were browning). I added Lily’s sugar free chocolate chips and some Pecan pieces instead of nibs. Next time I may try maple extract instead of vanilla for something different. After cooling 10 minutes these were soft but held their shape perfectly. Good recipe!
Hi Libby. I made these today, mixed them in my new Thermomix 5, which is also new to me. My cookies turned out very dry and crumbly, so not very tasty. I could not make them into balls or any shape at all with my hands due to being dry mixture. Any ideas on where I went wrong? Any suggestions?
the cookies should be a damp cookie dough texture. Did you accidentally add too much coconut flour? Did you add the eggs? I roll mine into ball shapes then flatten with my hands. Bake in the oven as instructed 🙂
I make them in my TM5 all the time. Cream butter and xylitol for 6 sec sp4, scrape sides then add other ingredients and mix sp4 for 5 sec. They turn out perfectly.
I just made these and the bottoms turned brown after 5 minutes. If I didn’t take them out they would have burnt. The tops are not light golden brown like the recipe said. Where am I going wrong?
It sounds like your oven is not evenly cooking these. I cook mine and turn halfway through so they look golden and cooked. If you have fan baking option, perhaps try to use that setting next time. Alternatively, make them thinner so they cook evenly on the bottom and top before burning.
I make these once a month and really enjoy them as a treat! They are even better after a day or two! So easy to make, and I am NOT a baker!
That’s awesome! These have quickly become the most popular low-carb cookie on my site.
Hi. I live in Australia and I can’t seem to find swerve or the cacao nibs that are pictured here. The nine I buy are almost like a powder and are not chunky bits like the ones in your video. Did you use swerve in this recipe? And do you know if I can buy that and the cacao nibs online??
In australia you can buy Natvia which is stevia/erythritol. That is what I commonly buy here in NZ too. The cacao nibs I just buy in my local supermarket, in the healthy baking aisle. Maybe someone here can comment where you can buy them in Aus. Alternatively you may be able to buy some sugar free chocolate chips to use instead.
Aldi in Australia sells cacao nibs and powder…
I made a batch of these for the first time with my daughter and to be honest I wasn’t expecting much. OMG they were amazing!! so soft and buttery with sweet vanilla flavor absolutely blown away. Thanks very much btw I used xylitol only 3tbsp and drizzled dark chocolate 85% coca over them when they were finished and left them to chill in the fridge.
YAY!!!!! I love how much you love them. I make these almost weekly. My kids love them and we have also added a little orange zest to them too, for a jazzier version 🙂
I have tried these three times now and they still spread all over the baking sheet! I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong! They come out like flat cake. Can I make them in a small tart tin, so they don’t spread?
It sounds like your coconut flour isn’t behaving correctly. Try another brand as the texture should be like play-doh. They don’t spread out at all. Or are you using large eggs so there is too much moisture? Even try to add more coconut flour to make the cookie firmer before buying another brand perhaps?
Thank you, I will try that next time, they still taste really nice.
I live in a tropical country so it’s really warm most days. I make sure I cool the cookie balls in the fridge first before baking them. It helps 🙂
Also just soften the butter ‘naturally’. putting them in the microwave make them too liquid. And I read somewhere here I think you can add a tablespoon of coconut flour if it is not forming properly. Hope you found the best way to keep them from spreading too much.
Happy baking!
Amazing! These are so tasty and the perfect treat to cure a sweet tooth. Thanks for sharing.
My husband and I are Ketoing and these went down well. Like you said, sweetness must be to your own taste, but the recommended amount is just right for us. Thank you.
Made without the choc chips , added 91% dark chocolate on top ……. Flipping gorgeous.
Awwwww, love this.
I have substituted the butter for peanut butter. Meridian Palm oil free one. Absolutely lovely, texture is like old school cookies , very pleased with them.
Also used coconut sugar so the over all colour is darker but still fab.
I can’t even we the ear recipe from all the ridiculous ads and AUTO PLAY videos. However good this recipe is, I will be staying away from ditchrhecarbs.com because I can’t guarantee the I’ll actually get to see the recipe.
Made these with coconut extract instead of vanilla. I used erythitol. I followed recipe and used a cookie scoop and was able to make 18 cookies. They tasted satisfactory, not too sweet, but sweet enough. Would be good with a cup of coffee or tea. I used Divine Organic raw cacao nibs (found these at HomeGoods).
can you use almond flour instead?
Sorry not in this recipe. You may wish to read this article where I explain the differences between all the low carb flours. Coconut flour and almond flour work in completely different ways, so are not interchangeable.
10/10 – the best low carb cookies yet. Totally amazing recipe. Followed the recipe exactly and they were perfect. Kids loved them too.
YAAAAAAAAAY – I love these cookies too. Simple ingredients and are perfect for lunch boxes. Last week I ran out of cacao nibs so used finely chopped 90%. Yum.
Just made them and absolutely love them! Made it with a coconut oil and a bit of almond butter instead of regular butter and with caramel stevia instead of vanilla. If I wouldn’t distract myself, the whole batch would’ve been gone already! Also, it is so quick and easy to make! I’m on a candida diet and am having a hard time finding snacks but I’ll definitely bake a batch of this weekly to keep me going!
These are so delicious and turned out exactly like the recipe. Took a batch to work for morning tea and the verdict was overwhelmingly “DELISH”! Thank you again Libby for another failproof recipe that I can indulge in without any guilt ❤️
Man, you have lucky co-workers that you are baking for them.
Whipped these up today as fiancé and I are ditching the carbs before our Halloween wedding. They’re surprisingly yummy. Ate them about an hour out of the oven. Looking forward to how they are tomorrow. It’s my first time baking with coconut flour and I’m now tempted to try the mini cheese loaves. Have only just discovered your website but can see it becoming my go to over the next few months!
I’m so glad you stumbled upon my site. I personally love baking with coconut flour. So easy and so cheap compared with almond flour/meal. The cheese loaves – my kids love this one in their school lunch boxes. You can adapt them to your favourite flavours too. Congratulations for your wedding day on Halloween – that’s my birthday so I’ll remember you 🙂
I want totry your recipe but I don’t have cacao nibs. Is it ok to use chocolate chips?
Sure but it won’t be sugar free. Alternatively you can chop up 90% chocolate. That is ah-mazing!
Just made these cookies, my recipe made 16 using a cookie scoop, laying waxed paper over the tops and flattening them with a flat bottomed glass. Worked great. I also used Lily’s stevia sweetened chocolate chips. And also made a drizzle using powdered unsweetened cacao, thinning with water, and a pinch or two of erythritol to sweeten a tad. This little drizzle gave the cookies a little oomph, as they were a bit light and bland looking. For a maiden voyage on this, they turned out well. Also baked them on parchment paper.
These were easy to put together, and I’ll probably make them again since i mostly make that 3 ingredient peanut butter cookie, and a change is nice once in a while. Thank you for the recipe.
YUMMMMMM. For a maiden voyage 😉 I think you have created a winner cookie!
Hi, I just made these and they are amazing. I added some cocoa powder for a more chocolate cookie. I did find them a touch dry, do you think this is because I’d the cocoa powder?
Yes by adding cocoa powder, you are adding more dry ingredients. You could whisk an egg in a cup and add half – that might help with the moisture. I am just guessing this as it will be a whole new recipe entirely but that is where I would start. Yum. Alternatively you could add some extra butter but the cookies have a risk of not holding together well.
These are lovely 🙂 I made a double batch for work, exactly as written (8 tbsp erythritol + 20 drop Stevia as my sweetener), and they turned out perfectly. I baked for 15 minutes as I wanted a more brown look to the cookies. A dark chocolate drizzle would take these to the next level, I think but I was far too lazy this time around! These are not really cookie-like in terms of texture, more like cookie-shaped mini cakes/pancakes, but who cares when they taste so delicious! Thank you so much for yet another excellent recipe, this was a breeze to put together on a weeknight 🙂
I just made these and they look beautiful but came out very bitter. Any idea what would make them have a yucky aftertaste? I followed the recipe to a T, except I added real chocolate chips.
It sounds like either you used too much stevia(if that was your sweetener of choice), or accidentally added too much baking powder. They are the only possible bitter ingredients in this recipe.
Sooooo good !!!!! So cool to find a NZ based website on low-carb. Keep up the great work 🙂
Yay, another kiwi is here 🙂
I’m kiwi too !! Thanks for your work and wonderful recipes! ?
There are several Kiwi’s. Thanks for sharing Libby.
Hi- new to low carb and trying get to know what has and doesn’t have carbs . Could you please explain where the carbs come from in this recipe- which I’m trying Over the weekend . Many thanks for your recipes.
The carbs are mainly from the coconut flour and cacao nibs. Begin by tracking what you eat and look at nutrition labels. That is the best way to learn where carbs are in food. And it helps you know what to avoid, and what to enjoy.
Is it possible to freeze the recipe? I say freeze the dough in small balls, to bake another time.
I was so excited to try and make this tomorrow and then I realised that I only have about 80g of butter left in the fridge. Can I substitute the rest with coconut oil instead?
Absolutely! Go for it!
Hi if you go very flat do the biscuits have much crunch?
They do become a little more crunchy, however, because there is no gluten in low carb flours (such as coconut flour), there’s more of a tendency for them to become too crumbly to hold together.
I found Lily’s sugar free chocolate chips, sweetened with stevia, at our local publix store.
Hello there! These cookies are great! I have made them twice! I tried scrolling through the comments, but I couldn’t find any answers. Has anyone tried freezing the dough? I’m curious if the cookies still turn out. Great recipe!
I tried making these this morning exactly as the recipe said. Used Natvia as the sweetener. The dough was the perfect consistency…and they looked great once cooked. But the texture was very weird.. Very dry and cakey… I was hoping for more crunch… Any suggestions? Maybe if I press them down flatter and cook slightly longer? Tastes great tho…
Thank you. I love the simplicity. Mine don’t have a cookie texture, more sponge/ Madeleine-like but delicious. I substitute half the vanilla with almond extract and don’t bother with cacao nibs – I like them plain and simple!
New to low carb cooking…so forgive me if I’m missing something..but on my coconut flour pack says 16g carb per 100g. This makes 9 cookies so around 2g carb per cookie rather than 5? Is that right? I use stevia/erythritol too and as this doesn’t cause a glucose spike I don’t count it in…..?
It will vary depending on your brand of flour. The brand I use – for 2/3 cup coconut flour its 16 net carbs, and I turned this recipe into 16 cookies, so effectively making them 1 gram of net carbs per cookie.
Thank you for this recipe. I recently received a medical which needs me to totally swap my ways of eating, which has resulted in me following a low carb way of life. I definitely have been missing the comforts of sweets, but now, with so many great products readily available (I was surprised to find coconut flour at just the regular grocery store – because it definitely doesn’t have frilly items). These were so simple to whip up and I LOVE that they are cakey. I used some sugar free chocolate chips bc that’s what I had on hand and it worked. Love love love. Thank you again!
I have used puréed avocado and omitted the butter in chocolate chip cookie recipes, then I have used date paste to substitute for the sugar (a little goes a long way since dates are very sweet). My family has a long history of diabetes and heart disease so cutting carbs where we can is something we try to do. I have been looking for a good substitute for the flour, will coconut flour bake well with puréed avocado and date paste?
I’m afraid I can’t offer advice on these substitutions as that makes another recipe entirely from what I developed here. Dates are very high in sugar and will raise blood sugars accordingly. I wonder if you might consider using a sugar substitute? This is what I use. Sorry, I couldn’t have given you a straight answer in this instance.
Just started low carb eating. I used coconut palm sugar as the sweetener. Love these cookies! They are soft and cake-like but definitely satisfy my sweet tooth!
Awesome Amy. If you are new to low-carb, you may want to rethink using coconut sugar, it’s still sugar, just by another name. This is a great article to read for those who are new here – Ultimate Guide To Low-Carb Sweeteners
Thank you so much!
I have had too many failures with coconut flour but this was amazing! They taste delicious, soft but hold their shape very well.
I used 2 tbsp. brown sugar for my sweetner and used dark baking chocolate chunks for the chips. Delicious, I will make again and again, thank you!
I substituted one tsp of almond extract for one tsp of vanilla and used chopped pecans instead of cacao nibs. I doubled the weight for the pecans so it was more like half a cup. I added a few drops of stevia in addition to the Erythritol I used. These turned out so good! They are like Pecan Sandies but much softer, without the crisp. I prefer soft cookies over crisp any day personally. I made them the original way as well and they are awesome but wanted to share the changes I made as well!
in other words, you created a new recipe LOL
This variation sounds great. Thanks for sharing!
These cookies are Amazing!
I was exposed to toxic mold because of an unknown water leak in my house. As a result I ‘ve been on an anti fungal diet and had to totally cut out sugar 🙁 I’ve really been missing chocolate chip cookies. I’ve tried lots of recipes that were epic failures. This one is 5 stars all the way!!! I used Truvia as the sugar substitute and Lily’s stevia sweetened baking chips. I will definitely be making these on a regular basis 🙂
I’m so sorry to read about your health scare and I am hoping you are on the mend now you are living on a sugar-free diet. I’m so glad these cookies hit the spot! Best of health Kimberly.
Made them, but they turned out dry. I wonder if it was my stevia sweetner or something. I used regular chocolate chips and doubled the recipe.
Same here Georgie. I halved the sugar,otherwise followed the recipe.
Is there any possible way to substitute the egg? I’m allergic 🙂
These are awsome! I was diagnosed with t1 diabetes 3 weeks ago and have had to really cut down on sweets and sugar. They work really well and I have already memorized the recipe?
Definitely recommend
Hey Sam, firstly, congratulations on discovering low-carb nutrition so rapidly following your diagnosis. I sadly know of so many T1D who discover low-carb to stabilise their blood sugars after decades of following the standard high-carb guidelines. I’m so glad you enjoyed these cookies. Have fun enjoying all the other recipes here.
Please amend the 65 g of Coconut flour to equal 1/3 C instead of the written 2/3 C. Thank you kindly
Hi there,
Thank you so much for this recipe!
I have flour, but never knew what to make with it
(12-10 years ago I followed gluten-diary-sugar free diet. The best time of my life. I still have the coconut flour, though. ?)
This is already the 5 or 6 time I make them. And always in double, as my whole family likes them.
What I found is that I can easier shape cookies if my dough was well chilled. So, usually I make the dough on Saturday and bake on Sunday.
Regards from Eindhoven!
This is awesome, I love your idea of putting the cookie dough in the fridge then shape the cookies the next day. My son loves making these, he often jazzes them up with cocoa powder, orange zest, almond essence … I totally understand why you make double! He does too.
I really followed the recipe but my cookie stayed in a ball form, cooked for like 30 mins but not cooked. What could be the problem?
Did you make a cookie shape as shown? You have to flatten them before cooking. 🙂 Mine seem to turn out slightly different each batch, it’s because coconut flour and the unprocessed flours are less standardised so have a greater variation between batches and brands.
Just started baking and I started with this recipe. My kids and my husband loved it! Thank you!
Awesome! Once you master these cookies, you can make variations such as cocoa powder, a little bit of orange zest, almond essence etc. The basic recipe is very versatile.
this recipy looks great
i wanted a quick easy sweet treat and this is the one! so yummy 🙂 and great for my keto diet
Has the recipe been removed from the page? There’s nothing here but information, no recipe.
Hi Janet! Recipe is added in the post!
I made these with 4 tblsp brown sugar Swerve and Lily’s semi sweet chips. My first batch was a crumbly mess. I packed the dough tighter with my hands and that came out better. How you put them on the pan is how they will stay. They don’t cook down like a normal cookie. The taste is quite good however! But I believe the US conversion for the coconut flour is incorrect. It says 2/3 cup but there just isn’t enough wet ingredients for that much coconut flour. Next time I will use 1/2 cup and an extra 1/2 stick of butter. I plan to use my crumbled cookies as a crust for one of your no bake cheesecakes