Here’s the FREE keto weekly meal plan I promised you … discover the secret to taking the stress out of your meals each week.

keto foods, salmon and nuts on a wooden board
Free keto weekly meal plan

Free Low-Carb & Keto Weekly Meal Plan

If any of you here currently use my Meal Planning App (Real Plans), you will already know how it saves you hours each week because it does the work for you.

But if you don’t need all the bells and whistles that my meal planning app provides, then I have great news for you. Ditch The Carbs & Real Plans will give you our printable meal plans FOR FREE. Yes, free. Simply save and print their keto weekly meal plan PDF.

Free keto weekly meal plan with real plans logo and ditch the carbs logo

Sure, you won’t be able to adjust for family size, kitchen tools, or food restrictions. But … you will have a full month of weekly keto meal plans.

Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

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Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them.

printable pages of the free keto weekly meal plan
Sample free keto meal plan

You’ll receive 4 weeks of free printable healthy weekly meal plans straight to your email.

Each week you will receive:

  • 5 breakfast recipes
  • 10 dinner recipes
  • 2 recipes to make at the weekend ( to get you ready for the week ahead)

Want to get started? Download your FREE Keto Weekly Meal Plan

Why Do Weekly Meal Plans?

meal plans what to plan, what to buy images

Weekly meal planning helps keep you organised, generates a weekly shopping list, reminds you when to prep food, and helps keep track of what you need to shop for.

Planning meals each week immediately stops the agonising over which meal to cook, which ingredients to buy, how much you need.

The best bit? I can send the shopping list to my husband’s phone and he can grab the food on his way home from work (it even comes with photos of the grocery items so he won’t come home with the wrong ingredients!!!). GENIUS!

Want to get started? Download your FREE Keto Weekly Meal Plan

healthy low-carb dinner of salmon on a white plate

So how do you plan your keto meals? Do you plan 1 or 2 days at a time? A week or a month? Or do you prefer batch cooking to get really organised for the weeks ahead?

Want to get started? Download your FREE Keto Weekly Meal Plan

Leave me a comment with your best tip for meal planning.

Do you buy in bulk?

Do you cook in bulk?

Do you meal prep for the week ahead?

mockups of how to start low-carb and keto cheat sheets and templates

Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think!

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  1. Interested in low carb recipes

  2. Gillian Boden says:

    Looking forward to learning more about low carb eating

  3. h v rensburg says:

    please free keto menu weekly

  4. Hello I’m a beginner to the keto diet, was wondering if you had any free meal plans you could send me please? Thank you!

  5. Damita Owens says:

    I am struggling with the correct way to eat on keto diet.

  6. Rupinder kaur says:

    Hello I’m a beginner to the keto diet, was wondering if you had any free diet plans you could send me please? Thank you!

  7. Please send ne meal planing to help me lose fat.

  8. I want to loose some fat, please help me

  9. Vanessa Mdanyana says:


    i would like to start the diet. Please share meal plans

  10. My wife and I have tried meal prepping. but we lose interest after a couple of weeks because were always cooking the same things we would love to try your keto diet meal plan!

  11. I paid for the meal plan and have been trying to stick to it for two weeks, but I’m diabetic and my blood sugar is running continually low on a per meal basis. Is there no help available for me?

    1. Hi there, I’m not sure I understand. This meal plan is only for 5-day and is free, not a paid 2-week plan as suggested. For support, you can join my free support group – click here. If your blood sugars low, are they truly low or are they now within the normal range rather than high that most diabetics experience when told to live on a high-carb diet then medicate for it? You may need to be under the care of a low-carb friendly practitioner so they may monitor you and change your medication accordingly.

  12. I spend an hour or so every Sunday lunchtime working out my meals for the following week. I always cook double dinner so I can have it for lunch the next day, and I don’t have breakfast. I IF and eat in the window 11am to 7pm. It seems to work for me.

  13. Laura-Lee Grealy says:

    I bought the Keto weight loss supplements, and I thought I was able to go on line and get recipes as well. I’m not sure how this works. Unfortunately I am not able to find the emails that were sent when I ordered my supplements. Are you able to assist me in this.


  15. I would like to try the keto lifestyle.

  16. Debra Street says:

    Hello. My name is Debra Street. I am 55yo. I am 5ft1.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life and followed lots of different diets but always gained my weight back again.
    I am on medication and I know that doesn’t help with my weight either.
    I would really like to get your meal plan and follow that to see how I go…

    Kindest regards

    1. Great! Welcome aboard. Please enter your details above and it will be sent to you immediately. Please, remember I do not give medical advice or individual advice. You may need to be under the supervision of your medical practitioner so they can monitor your progress and medications.

  17. I want to lose weight to the maximum

  18. martha lucia esquivel says:

    I am seriously overweight and my numbers are not looking good I am close to diabetes and I now realize I am to big for my size. I am 5′ 2 inches and I weight 197 not good I am going to start exercising and dieting but not just diets I want to eat the right foods and healthy hope keto is the way I have tried so many diets but this time I am serious. Please can you help.

  19. I am so confused. Trying to find the free month of pdf’s but only thing i have found is clicking a link that gets me a free 14 day trial…. Please help!

  20. Marlin Grossklaus says:

    I realized more interesting things on this weight loss issue. A single issue is that good nutrition is highly vital any time dieting. A massive reduction in junk food, sugary ingredients, fried foods, sugary foods, pork, and white flour products could possibly be necessary. Keeping wastes organisms, and wastes may prevent targets for losing weight. While specified drugs for the short term solve the issue, the nasty side effects aren’t worth it, and so they never provide more than a short-term solution. It is just a known fact that 95 of diet plans fail. Many thanks for sharing your notions on this weblog.

  21. Free meal plans! I buy in bulk and meal prep so knowing I already order online and in store(: just need guidance

  22. The keto diet is popular and many people are following and getting a better results. There is a dilemma in people, whether it is safe for them. Everything has a pro and cons side, keto diet too.