Soft and pillowy sugar-free meringue roulade is the perfect way to use up leftover egg whites and is only 0.3g net carbs.
It’s the perfect almost zero-carb dessert (until you add the toppings).

What is a roulade? What is a meringue?
A roulade, a meringue, and a pavlova are all sweet baked desserts made from sweetened whipped egg whites.
A roulade is baked as a large rectangle on a baking tray until cooked but remains soft. It is then cooled and rolled filled with whipped cream and berries.
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A pavlova is baked as one large mound of whipped egg white mixture over a long period of time. It has a crunchy crust but is soft and pillowy inside.
A meringue is a small individual dessert that has been baked until the whipped egg whites are entirely crunchy. The meringue nests are cooled then filled with whipped heavy cream and fresh berries.
Is a roulade keto?
Traditional roulade, meringue, and pavlova recipes are incredibly high in sugar. The sugar gives whipped egg whites their structure as they bake, and the sugar caramelizes and gives a crispy texture.
This meringue roulade mixture is sugar-free, so it will puff up like crazy, as would a regular roulade, but without the sugar, it deflates as soon as you remove it from the oven. This is actually a good thing.
Because the roulade doesn’t go crispy (due to the lack of sugar) it is pliable and easily rolled up.
How to roll up a roulade
The trick to rolling up the sugar-free meringue roulade is to use a silicone baking sheet liner, or baking parchment.
Start at one end, and slowly roll using the silicon sheet, similar to how sushi is made.
Toppings for a roulade
I love to serve my low-carb desserts with whipped cream with sweetener and a sprinkle of fresh berries on top.
This makes for an easy sugar-free dessert that my children love.
Sugar-free meringue roulade can also be filled with plain whipped heavy cream, sweetened cream cheese, whipped coconut cream, and any low-sugar berries that you prefer.
Why not drizzle 90% cacao chocolate over the roulade for a decadent dinner party dessert?

How to use leftover egg yolks?
Never ever throw anything away, and this especially goes for leftover egg yolks.
If I want something quick and easy, add them to my 2-minute scrambled eggs in the morning for breakfast.
Alternatively, while the roulade is cooking, I will use the leftover egg yolks for sugar-free lemon curd to serve on my almond flour bread.

Sugar-Free Meringue Roulade Recipe
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Mixing Bowls
- Baking sheets – non stick
- Food Processor
- 8 egg whites
- ¼ tsp cream of tartar
- 3 tbsp granulated sweetener of choice or more, to your taste
- Using an electric whisk or food processor, whisk the egg whites and the cream of tartar until it begins to thicken to stiff peaks.
- Slowly add the granulated sweetener whilst continuing to whisk to form stiff peaks.
- Once the sugar-free meringue is thick enough to not fall from the whisk when lifted, spread over the silicon baking sheet or baking parchment in a rectangular shape.
- Bake at 100C/210F for 1.5 hours.
- Remove form the heat and allow the meringue to cool before filling with whipped cream and berries.
- Roll the meringue into a roulade gently.
- Place on a serving tray and decorate with cream, berries and a little sweetener sprinkle all over.
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I cannot wait to try this!!!!!!!! Thanks Libby u rock!
I’m thinking a silky custard made from those left over egg yolks would be the perfect filling! Add some sweetened rhubarb to that and oh my! Pinning 🙂
Thank you for saying Rhubarb! I was just trying to figure out a good substitute for fruit that would be low carb and you just gave me the answer! THANK YOU!!! 😀
Do you have a recipe for a low carb silky custard?
Trying it as we speak
D’you know, I was just thinking about how to make a sugar free roulade. DD has just made a chocolate one, and I reckon I can do yours with cocoa in it. Like Jenn, I was wondering about adding the eggs back in somehow. DD’s recipe adds back in before cooking. I feel some experimenting coming on!
Thank you Libby!
What is the texture of the meringue part like? I’ve had pavlova, but never even heard of roulade! I’m intrigued….
It is a soft velvety sponge texture. I was so disappointed when I was trying to make pavlova then I tried to roll it into this and voila – my moment of genius. Soft, airy and light. You can flavour the whipped cream filling with lemon zest, chocolate, crushed berries etc. The possibilities are endless.
I have just made this and the meringue came out really crispy (I would not be able to roll it)> Maybe the oven was running a bit hot? Or I spread it too thinly? Or it was in for too long? Any suggestions? Will make a kind of ‘Eton Mess’ for tonight!! (it tastes ok – I have tried a corner!!)
Wow, lucky you!! I have tried and tried to make mine crispy and failed completely, hence me developing this recipe from my failures. I wonder if you spread it too thin? I am going to try your failure and see if it is a success for me. I love it how we can all learn from each others ‘experimentation’. 😉
let it be under a sheetpan for the heat to moisten the cake up and in the cake ,doesent take very long always straigh from the ovn but if the damage is done you can make verdensbeste its a cake with custardcream filling served with strawberrys and blueberrys or home made strawberryjam, ialso recomed budapest roulade,or you can make trifle or a tiramisu look alike with the roulade you made but cant roul. or if you dont do gluten potatoflouer . i am very fast when getting it out of the ovn roul it up with a parchment and towl coverd in sugar so it get to set in the rould form until ready to fill and then its bendy because the heat has moisten it up. just let it sit like this until I have done my filling .
Hope this helps.
It looks really good! I don’t have a sweet tooth, but the hubby will love this. Will try soon!
Oh, Joy, I wish I had your teeth. 🙂
Can I use honey crystals as the sweetener?
Honey is still sugar, so it would no longer be low carb.
So, it is not like a jelly roll when you bring up the bottom and fold over several times. It is folded only once, long side folded over, then you tucked in the ends..Is that right? Now in the photo of the serving pieces, how did you cut it to look like that? Thanks for your help…;)
I fold it like a sushi roll, along the longest side and it was too long for my serving plate so I cut it in half. Then when it was time to serve, I cut individual slices.
Hey I tried this today and it came out great, nice and marshmellowy like a pav but without the outside crunch. I’ve been doing keto for 8 months and when my 6 year old saw this he told me I was naughty for breaking my diet, he couldn’t believe that something that tasted this good was actually ok to eat. My kids loved it, husband loved it and so did I. I regularly have left over egg whites and can see this making a regular appearance on our menu.
Thanks for the great recipe.
Hello another Kiwi buddy 🙂 This recipe was born because I just could not get a sugar free pavlova to go crispy, so thought how can I harness that soft quality? Voila!! A roulade was developed instead.
Lemon curd! Definitely doing this.
Can this be made ahead of time? Like the day before? How should I store it?
I tried it now 3 times and it always gets crispy and breaks up. I can’t roll it at all. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Grateful for any hints, ideas,… because my family loves the taste but it looks like a mess (broken pieces stacked on each other). Thanks!
Wow, I take my hat off to you. I have tried and tried to make mine crispy so I can make meringue shells with whipped cream inside and it always turned out soft, hence me using that to my advantage and developing this recipe instead. Try cooking it for a shorter period to stop it from drying out – something my oven never does 🙁
I’m confused is cook the temperature for this recipe correct? 100 degrees is like keep warm temp.
I made this the other day and it wasn’t cooked properly tasted super weird too but that may have been my choice of sweetener (Monkfruit Erythritol blend) we couldnt eat it sadly such a waste
Yes, you cook the meringue at a very low temperature for a very long time. For a pavlova, you cook at a high temperature for a very short time, then you actually turn the oven off and it remains in the warm oven for hours (I’m a kiwi so I was hooked on cooking the perfect pavlova). And yes, the strange taste is possibly the sweetener perhaps? You can add a small dash of vanilla to the egg whites. That always tastes amazing.
Hi, in the oven, I used parchment, will this stick? 210 f. 1 1/2 hours?
It won’t stick if it is good quality baking parchment, or you can use a silicon sheet too.
Did mine just as the recipe said and it was hard as a board and I couldn’t roll it at all.
Hello! What kind of thickness should I aim for when spreading it out to bake? I’m thinking like, 1/2cm? To thin? 1cm? I can’t really afford to waste 8 eggs finding out hahaha
Can I leave out the cream of tartar?
You can but it does produce wonderful light, fluffy and sturdy meringue.
No-Carb-Deserts is not what you have on this page. You and other sites with URLs and titles stating zero or no carbs are misleading. I no longer get excited when I see such sites until I read into them, because most sites recipes like this page have carbs, but the subtraction of items to get makes things zero net carbs. It is so misleading even for Atkins. Yeah, it’s great for a zero net carb cookie for those who count on net carbs, but on a keto or diabetic diet I need zero carbs and deserts. It is not until I read the ingredients and such I find out you are talking about net carbs which is not the same.
Well, ONLY things that are zero carbs are butter, unprocessed meats, and water. If you’re looking for low sugar, or diabetic recipe’s, sweets, even low carb, are to be used in moderation.
I made this today! Turned out perfect! The only error I made, is I made two cups of whipped cream. So my roulade turned out huge lol. But, nonetheless, delicious! It rolled just fine using parchment paper. Thank you!