This Ultimate Guide To Carbs In food is the final of my series of Ultimate Guides.

And scroll below, because there is you can see my other guides to carbs in fruit, vegetable nuts, and even alcohol.

Carbs in food charts

When you start your low-carb diet or keto diet, it’s useful to know how many carbs are in your food. It’s not to say some foods are restricted, but so you may make better-informed choices as to where you “spend your carbs”.

These carb charts are a culmination of all my Ultimate Guides. These values are net carbs per 100g. An easy reference guide to see where your carbs are coming from and a great guide to all the zero-carb foods.

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Carb counting

If you’re starting out on your low-carb diet or keto diet, you need to learn how to read nutrition labels and how to count your daily carbs.

You can either use a carb counting app or you can use a pen and paper to journal your food diary. But don’t worry, once you learn the basics, you will soon discover which foods will raise your blood sugar that you need to avoid. You will also learn which ones to enjoy, and that don’t trigger cravings or hunger.

Spend your carbs wisely

It’s an easy guide that beginners love to look at so they can quickly know what to enjoy and what to avoid.

For me? I would rather stay within my daily carb limit by enjoying a large serving of non-starchy vegetables, than a small handful of nuts.

You can quickly see how you can bulk up your meals with lower carb foods, and what to enjoy if you want a quick and easy low-carb snack.

Carbs in food 0g – 1g

All values are net carbs per 100g. Values may differ depending on the source of your data. For example, most will state an egg has 0g – 0.3g carbs per medium egg. In reality, most people count eggs as being zero carbs.

Carbs in food 2g – 5g

All values are net carbs per 100g. Values may differ depending on the source of your data. For example, when checking the carb value of vegetables you will need to confirm the size and whether the vegetable is cooked or not.

For example, 1 cup of cauliflower chunks will be completely different in weight and carb value than 1 cup of cooked and mashed cauliflower.

Carbs in food 0g – 5g

This is the amalgamation of both the above charts. It’s useful to refer to when deciding what to stock in your low-carb pantry, and which low-carb snacks to enjoy.

How to start low-carb

If you are new here, you need to read how-to start low-carb. It has all the resources you need to get going. 

You will learn all the advantages of a low-carb diet, what to enjoy and what to avoid, and how to start using my stepwise method.

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  1. Karen Phipps says:

    Dear Libby
    First of all I want to say how much I’ve enjoyed using your ideas and recipes. But I am becoming increasingly frustrated with your website. It is just so busy with adverts popping up everywhere. I don’t want to buy furniture or clothes when I’m looking for a recipe to help me use up what’s left in my fridge. They take up so much screen space which is especially annoying when I’m using my tablet. I’m now finding that I can’t delete them!
    The other issue I have is searching for recipes – is it possible to have an index like at the back of a cookery book? If I put an ingredient in the search bar it brings up things that bear no relation to what I’m looking for because they are grouped in recipe ‘types’.
    I’m sorry if this sounds mean and grudging because I know you’ve done a fabulous job. I’m not a techy person so it maybe that this is how websites are built – I have seen some of the other sites have similar problems but it really puts me off.
    Best wishes,

    1. I am so glad you are enjoying my site. Apologies for the adverts, that is what keeps my site free for everyone to use. I want to reach as many people as I can without any subscriptions or costs involved for them. As for searching recipes, just head to my recipe search. From there you can see an easy photo grid of all my categories such as breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. I’m not a techie person either. I’m a pharmacist who is trying to improve health through nutrition, not through dispensing pages of prescriptions which I do in my day job. So bear with me, I’m trying my best 🙂

    2. I agree with you Karen and it’s the main reason I’ve stopped visiting MANY blogs…

  2. Sruti Chandran says:

    Hey Libby I just want to tell you that I think your website is really cool and by following a low carb diet, my dad has managed to get off his diabetes medications, which he was taking for 20 years and I am so thrilled ? I am from India and I am 19 years old and I was looking for ways to follow a similar lifestyle in college. Unfortunately in law school, with late nights and what not, I have no access to healthy food and all the meals served to us are just carb fests- rice and potatoes. I suspect that even the curries are made out of vegetable oil. Do you have any idea as to what someone in my situation could do? All we have is junk and the only healthy food I have access to is fruit, which is fine because I don’t need to lose weight or anything, just looking to follow a healthy lifestyle. Any advice would be appreciated. (PS: I don’t eat meat or eggs and I apologize for the long rant ?)

    1. Wow Sruti, send my congratulations to your father. I am so proud of him, that is superb. I spend my days dispensing T2 diabetes medication and so many don’t even want to acknowledge they are medicating for their food choices. He is a star, well done. Now, as for your study days, it will be tricky as you don’t eat meat or eggs, but do you eat cheese? Ghee? Whipped cream with berries? Nuts? Avocados? Fish? Tinned/canned tuna? Coconut cream? Nut butters? I also have this post for low-carb vegetarian meals . I’m sure there are some meals there you could make extra so you could take some leftovers with you perhaps. I am writing an article for vegans soon, so stay tuned. there will be some tips in there too.

      1. Sruti Chandran says:

        Hey Libby thank you so much for responding! You are right, plus I am so angry that not a single doctor told my dad about this lifestyle and chose to medicate him instead. I am sure that they knew about this. If I, as a law school student who isn’t even studying medicine, can learn about this from watching YouTube, I fail to understand how these qualifies professionals did not know about this natural way of curing his disease and could have kept this hidden from my father and tell him that there’s no cure. Unfortunately, for me, with my exams going on, I was stress eating and I had fallen off the wagon completely and your post has woken me up ? thankfully I’m going home for summer break so I can finally eat healthy. It’s so annoying when law school gives access to so much junk but no good quality foods. I think that given my situation, the best i can do is to avoid junk completely, eat nuts and butter as well as coconut oil, just stick to the curries and eat fruit and if I have to eat carbs, to at least go for the unprocessed stuff. I don’t think that, given my lack of access to real food in college, I can follow an ideal nutrition plan but I think that for me, just cutting out the junk and refined carbs would be great. Plus i workout on a daily basis so I’m happy ?
        I want to apologize for the length of my comments but I have a TON of questions, because I found so much conflicting information on nutrition… Can you please also talk about all of the cultures that ate a great deal of fruit, rice, potatoes and so on and never had any issues? Thank you so much!

        1. I know, it seems like it is up to all of us to do our own health research, because for most, nutrition is certainly is not offered as an option. I’m glad to hear some of my suggestions will work for you while studying. Do the best you can as often as you can. As for your question regarding the cultures which existed with fruit rice etc. There are many factors which don’t apply today. Food back then was unprocessed and they had to work darn hard to get it. Grow it, harvest to, cook it all with manual labour. They led incredibly active lifestyles and didn’t eat processed food, 80% of which now has added sugar or wheat. Also rice wasn’t the main player, it was meat, vegetables and healthy natural oils and fats. There were no ultra processed seed oils which are so damaging. Modern wheat is no longer anything like our ancestors ate, it is bred to be shorter, more disease resistant, higher in starch etc and wheat is found in almost every meal and snack. It’s like modern society needs to be carb loading for some famine that never arrives.

  3. Hi Libby
    I’m really interested in learning how to work out how many net carbs there are in each of your recipes. I’m trying to lose weight and are keen to stick to the recommended 20g/ day.
    Thanks so much for terrific variety you offer with your recipes!

    1. This list is WAY off. Salsa is not a 1 carb food. There are 5 grams of NET carbs in one cup of tomatoes and even more in onions – two main ingredients in salsa. Bacon is zero net carbs. Full fat milk has 12 GRAMS OF NET CARBS. Anyone on Keto who drinks milk will almost blow their ketosis in one cup. Not all vinegars are zero carbs…balsamic vinegar has 3 net carbs in only 1 tbsp. I’m sorry to leave a negative comment on your feed but I really hope no one on keto is following this list. It’s wrong on several levels.

      1. As I replied to someone else in this thread, these are net carbs per 100g so yes a cup of milk (which is 250ml, not 100ml) would be 10g carbs. But this is per 100g. And this list isn’t supposed to tell you WHAT to enjoy it’s giving you a simple visual guide as to HOW to choose wisely and for many here who are on day 1, this can be a real eye-opener. They immediately know to avoid milk in large quantities and other items shown here. Yes balsamic vinegar is high in carbs but I didn’t show balsamic, I showed vinegar, plain old fashioned vinegar.

  4. I want to post some of your infographics in my kitchen cabinets. Would you consider making them available as free printables?

    1. I would love some printables

  5. Sarah Morter says:

    Libby.. u r an absolute star… that’s what ypu are xx

  6. Hi there
    Based on the above graphic – is this per 100g or per serve? Thank you!!

  7. For the guide – that’s the grams of TOTAL carbs or net carbs? And in how many GRAMS of food???????

    1. Salsa is under the 1…not zero.

  8. Love this guide…. although I’m confused how salsa can be 0 carb?

    1. betty page says:

      its not .Neither are eggs , they have a carb per large egg

  9. Bettie Paige says:

    Same of the 0 carb items are wrong though Eggs have 1 carb per 1 large egg ,Most spices have carbs in them including fresh garlic ,And salsa is not 0 carbs , Bottle hot sauce like tabassco is though

    1. SEVERAL items on this list are way off. I mean, she has full fat milk on the 4 carbs list – it has 12 net carbs in one cup. But not all eggs have carbs. The ones I buy are zero carbs. Try a different brand.

      1. I stand by these values ARE correct. These values are net carbs per 100g. Milk is 4% carbs so for 1 cup = 250ml = 10g carbs. As for eggs, it depends on where you look for nutritional information. Do not trust an app or a manufacturers label. I get my data from USDA and To look at the true nutrition of eggs, click here. I’d love to see a chicken that can manipulate its macros 😉

  10. Hi Libby
    I am really new to this site. But although I am just navigating at the moment I wanted to say a huge thank you. I’ve been doing this 3 weeks and have been on so many websites and FB pages, some are confusing, some are not in net carbs, some a just plain bizarre. What I do understand is that people take information in different ways and as a reader it is up to me to find information that I can digest and it is my own responsibility to check that the info I am using is relevant to me. If I want info in cups rather than 100ml, maybe need to change website. If I want to look at every variation of every product available then that is what I need to find. I can not expect everyone to want the information in the same way as me.
    What I have also learnt over the past three weeks is that people running websites or pages such as yours really do put their heart and soul into it. It is not a paid job as such and must be really consuming. I can’t imagine how damaging it must be to have some of the rude and negative comments that I have seen on pages and websites like yours.
    You are an absolute queen for helping as you do. Thank you. I find your information really relevant, easy to understand and presented in a way I can absorb.
    Thanks again. X

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind and supportive words. Yes it is very disheartening to read comments from people who don’t see I have conversions for ingredients, who don’t read the recipes notes (which are vital to a recipe’s success) and refuse to think that a low-carb cookie might actually taste different from a cookie that has been “formulated” in a factory to hit the chemical bliss point. What I love is commentators like you who are thrilled to find family-friendly recipes that help them eat healthier without the fuss, help answer your questions and give free support groups for daily tips and tricks. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment today. Libby x

  11. I have a question about Low Carb drinks like Pure Protein which are only 6 carbs, 4 fiber, <1 g. added sugar and/or sugar alcohol? I have been drinking it for the 30 g. of Protein. I've been recovering from a fractured pelvis and read Protein helps.
    You say not to drink your carbs/cal. Is there a good reason?

    1. The reason I suggest not to drink your carbs is because part of the ethos of living low-carb/keto, and a lot of the health benefits come from, having nutrient-dense foods from whole food sources. So whilst a protein drink may provide a large amount of protein, it may be ultra-processed and lack certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals that an equivalent quality protein source would. Without seeing the nutrition panel of your protein drink, does it have bioavailable iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, (just a few examples) does it contain soy, processed seed oils (canola, soy, sunflower), maltitol…. These are just a few examples (and apologies, this is taking a slightly long explanation) but it’s all about balance and convenience. You may wish to read the article on dirty keto, where I explain how many readers count their carbs, but are not worried her their macros are coming from. So…. to summarise, if someone needs to increase their protein and cannot do it from diet alone, then they may wish to support their diet with a protein drink. Whilst others want to only eat whole food sources and make their carbs count from sources such as nuts, seeds, low-sugar berries, low-carb veggies, quality protein, meat and liver. I hope the helps Julie. Probably a longer explanation than you were expecting. 🙂

  12. Marie Ann Mann says:

    Hi Libby, I do like your site, I do find it a bit confusing at times, but I am old and a bit slow. Like some others have mentioned, would it be possible to print off the charts showing the carb contents, as I am a visual learner but I just get so frustrated trying to find the Ultimate guide on my computer when I am also trying to make meals. Somehow I did manage to print off the Ultimate Protein Guide but cannot print off any others. Thanks, Marie.
    I have tried keto over several years and am giving it another ‘go’ I have lost 4 kilos in about 6 weeks which is pretty good for me but a long way to go still. I am in Western Australia.